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Mar 1, 2007
Eaton Rapids, Michigan, USA.
Did anyone watch the first episode of Spartacus? I am not much for series, because it can be a lot of work trying to keep up. I Tivo'd it, and plan on setting up the Tivo to catch the rest of the episodes. It was in my opinion really great. Reminds me of the movie 300 and Gladiator, married together. Those Romans knew how to live. I really hope Spartacus finds his wife eventually too, because she truly is to die for!!!
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Bummer we don't subscribe to Starz or HBO, my Daughter got the box set of Rome. They did have the art of debauchery down to a science.

Rome is definitely something I wish I had to see. Spartacus dramatizes the violence with that 300 type effect of slowing things down and painting the blood everywhere, kinda cool. It definitely shares in the art of debauchery with all it's cursing and nudity. They curse so much that they put a warning on the screen before the show starts! :biggrin: If you are from Tennessee, or you drive a Truck...this was made for you. God bless America!:drink:
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