SOMEbody wasn't paying attention...

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That reminds me of another story from years back where those in charge were looking for a name for a new college to be established in the county of Hasting in Ontario Canada.

Their choice of name was South Hastings Institute of Technology. Can you see what that would look like on the back of those leather jackets the college kids wear?
This guy or gal may have the last laugh! Did you stop to think how MANY HITS this website is likely to get? They may sell a good many pens to people that get there by accident!
As a matter of fact, I just found a Namiki Pilot pen that I have been looking for @ $144. The best price I have found....Thanks, guys!
I would bet they get some unexpected keyword traffic from that and if they ever get out of the pen business that domain could probably sell for $1000+.
Maybe they were paying attention... There are sooo many things I could say on the one... but will hold back, as some of them would be slightly inappropriate... All "wood" related though...
That reminds me of another story from years back where those in charge were looking for a name for a new college to be established in the county of Hasting in Ontario Canada. Their choice of name was South Hastings Institute of Technology. Can you see what that would look like on the back of those leather jackets the college kids wear?

I'll try to match your story, Mack.

Many years ago here on the rock, a new University or College was to be built just outside Victoria on the edge of the Strait of Juan de Fuca (separating southern Vancouver Island from the Olympic Peninsula). It would eventually be named for the only Canadian Prime Minister to win the Nobel Prize -- the Lester B Pearson College of the Pacific.

Back in the early 70's when they were trying to decide on a name, the most popular suggestion was Juan de Fuca University. Then some bright spark realized it would be permanently nick-named, Fuca U.

Playboy picked that story up and ran it in one of their issues. (See what you learn when you actually read the articles?) :wink:
Maybe not as funny, but at work, way back in the mainframe days, we had account names which combined your first initial and last name. One nice lady we had needed to have an account set up. The person at the time didn't notice it right away, but after a day or so Phylis Hart was forever immortalized with our IT groups. Her account name PHART is still remembered to this very day...
When Atlanta was considering a rapid transit system, they wanted to model the system here after B.A.R.T. (San Fancisco- Bay Area Rapid Transit) the most efficient in the world (at that time).

My uncle served as a member of the Fulton-Atlanta Transportation board. When they proposed the first name of the Fulton Atlanta Rapid Transit...My uncle stood up, said "you've got to be kidding me, I've got better things to do" and resigned on the sport.

Fortunately, after MUCH heated debate, cooler heads prevailed and they chose the second proposed name of M.A.R.T.A (Metro Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority) instead of the first proposed, Fulton Atlanta Rapid Transit!

Now THAT was dodging the politically correct bullet! I'm glad "family" was able to avoid this smelly situation!
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Maybe not as funny, but at work, way back in the mainframe days, we had account names which combined your first initial and last name. One nice lady we had needed to have an account set up. The person at the time didn't notice it right away, but after a day or so Phylis Hart was forever immortalized with our IT groups. Her account name PHART is still remembered to this very day...

A friend of mine's work email is pevert@..... It's the first letter of his first name and last name combined. He complained when they set it up but they wouldn't change it. At first glance especially when he is in sales and sends out emails people really take a second look.
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