Howdy everyone, here are some of my recent turnings....well ok all of my turnings are recent turnings as I have only been turning about a month and a half now, I have had a few failers, but I am learning everyday, hope you enjoy my pictures!
1. Osage Orange body, redheart lid
2. Apple Lidded box
3. Maple Lidded Box
4. Cocobolo FireSteel Handle (the outdoors guys know what this is)
5. Redheart Lidded box (This is my first ever turning from last month)
1. Osage Orange body, redheart lid
2. Apple Lidded box
3. Maple Lidded Box
4. Cocobolo FireSteel Handle (the outdoors guys know what this is)
5. Redheart Lidded box (This is my first ever turning from last month)