Some recent projects of mine

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Jan 14, 2011
Littleton, Colorado
Howdy everyone, here are some of my recent turnings....well ok all of my turnings are recent turnings as I have only been turning about a month and a half now, I have had a few failers, but I am learning everyday, hope you enjoy my pictures!

1. Osage Orange body, redheart lid
2. Apple Lidded box
3. Maple Lidded Box
4. Cocobolo FireSteel Handle (the outdoors guys know what this is)
5. Redheart Lidded box (This is my first ever turning from last month)


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Looks pretty good for being this early in the hobby. Well that is not what I ment. I was not doing anything like this when I first started out.
Fitting the lids was always a chore for me. Too tight, too loose, sometimes just right. I am going to name drop here and say Jimmy Clews (sp?) was at our club one night and one of his demos was a box. He cuts a taper on the fitting and when the lid fits about half way down the taper he stops. He then cuts a back taper so that now the fitting has a bit of a point mid-way. Softens the point a bit and you have a well fitted lid. Seems so simple now.

The initial taper is very gentle and just noticable.
Thanks for your comments everyone. I did the usual candle stick turning in high school shop almost 40 years ago, and when my daughter was younger we turned a couple of crude fish bonkers and other little things on a horrible old lathe 20 years ago. That is the extent of my turning experience until last month, I did however spend 14 months saving up every month towards the purchase of my lathe and some tools to go with, I read every single day everything I could find on making lidded boxes, turning HF's & bowls, so when I did get my lathe I had a clear vision on where I wanted to go with it. Again, thanks for your comments...Tim
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