Some new Segmenters have arrived.

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Feb 22, 2005
I check back here many times because my love for segmented pens runs deep. I noticed some of the newer members are jumping into the segmenting arena. One in particular that is making a name and his work is darn good and that is dogrunner

I love the knots and the segmenting with the metals. If I may ask you to do us a favor here and give us your version of cutting the knots that you are doing. They are spot on. When you have equal pieces all around that is the mark of a good Celtic Knot. Then you follow it up with a multi-knot pen which is outstanding. There are various methods of making them but it seems you have found a nice formula.

If it is possible maybe you could give us a bit of a tutorial and maybe add a few photos. Now the knot is not a secret design so I am not asking for any trade secrets but if it were possible we like seeing the many options of doing this segmenting. This could lead to the use for other type segmenting.

By the way those that are here need to check out the thread No Comments just photos of segmented pens. I believe there is new life in the segmenting game. I am enjoying it and glad to see. Keep them coming.
Thank you!

Thank you very much for your quick response to my question! I am still not certain of where I am to begin, but I will give it much thought! I have been away from this site for quite sometime, but have returned and greatly appreciate all of the assistance offered by penturners. Thanks again for leading me in the correct direction!
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