Some bad, some good, some bad...........

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Dec 2, 2009
Was making a wooden box, the chisel slipped, 3 stitches. :frown:

An hour later a parishioner from a church I used to be at stopped by, remembered I was an old Buffalo Bills fan, and gave me 2 tickets to the Sept. 26th game between the Patriots and the Bills........40 yard line.:eek::biggrin:

I was showing her some pens and a nice cherry bowl amongst other things. Left the bowl and some tops and some kaleidoscopes, put them on the back of my truck. Forgot they were there, took off for the store. Lost 'em all when they crashed into the street as I turned the corner.

Sigh, it all works out in the end. :rolleyes:
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What a day but your troubles started with being a Bills fan:wink:....I seem to remember a certain game against my Fins in the snow and snow plowing:rolleyes: or not :mad:for field goals...

Now go to the game and enjoy....
Good Day

If you woke up and could get out of bed ... it's a good day. If you kept body and soul together and were able to go to was a great day. The only bad days are the ones we miss.
It was a good day in all. If it doesn't kill us it only makes us stronger. :)
Well if it twern't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all.
of the last 6 blanks, only 2 became pens...
the rest blew apart. I really need to do something else.. perhaps a bowl
or a plate.
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