Soda Cans

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Aug 21, 2015
San Antonio, Tx
I didn't want to hijack another thread so I will start my own.

I watched a bunch of youtube videos about penturning, including some really good ones by Capt Eddie. One of the videos that interested me was where someone created a wood and aluminum (pop can) Celtic Knot design blank. I went ahead and googled for more Celtic Knot pens and that's how I ended up here viewing threads in the segmenting forums. :)

Can you harvest aluminum from soda cans?
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I didn't want to hijack another thread so I will start my own.

I watched a bunch of youtube videos about penturning, including some really good ones by Capt Eddie. One of the videos that interested me was where someone created a wood and aluminum (pop can) Celtic Knot design blank. I went ahead and googled for more Celtic Knot pens and that's how I ended up here viewing threads in the segmenting forums. :)

Can you harvest aluminum from soda cans?

Yes but why bother?? You would have to make sure they are cleaned from all residue of contents and also paint from labels. Go to Home Depot and get some roof flashing and you are good to go. they have thicker stuff too.

Now visit the segmenting forum and join us in the world of segmenting. :smile:
Lol ... actually, he (the guy who made the blanks in question) did NOT sand the paint off, and part of the paint actually showed in his finished product. Let me grab the URL for the video for you guys real quick...

Just to be thorough, this was done by RJBWoodTurner, who I believe is also a member here... :)
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