So You think YOU'VE had an OOPS Moment!

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Believe it or not, we "used" to use the forklift to move the bombs from the pallet. Made MANY kids run for the hills. Fortunatly The bombs normally don't blow from dropping from 2 feet without fuzes and boosters.
The thing that caught my attention was the cutting drill bit thingy at the bottom. I have never seen a hole saw like that!
The thing that caught my attention was the cutting drill bit thingy at the bottom. I have never seen a hole saw like that!

Ron; Those are "knuckle busters" they can be used to drill a hole, but a foresner bit or real hole saw works better. Sometimes they are called fly cutters (not to be confused with metal milling fly cutters).

I've drilled 4" holes in plywood and a hole saw works beautifully!
ok cool. Just making sure i wasn't using an inferior tool. I thought it looked kinda dangerous with the flailing metal rod when you turn it on.
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