While much of the country was suffering from unseasonable cold and snow, I was down in Florida helping run a sailboat race (the Flying Scot Midwinters), and visiting family. I took my new camera with me and tried it out on some of the local wildlife.
Here's a Tri-Color Heron landing in a muddy patch:
And another Tri-Color Heron with a small fish:
A pair of fledgling Blue Herons:
A Great Egret in flight:
A Wood Stork in flight:
A Grackle Landing:
This male Anhinga was determined to bring a bit of greenery back to the nest. He tried and tried to break off this branch, but never managed to get it:
A Roseate Spoonbill attack:
There was a pair of Sandhill Cranes with two chicks in the area. Here is a young one showing off a worm he just caught to his mother:
The obligatory Alligator:
"Don't mind me, I'm just a harmless island with some flowers growing on it" -- until you see the eyes.
A swamp Iris:
And here are a couple of bees pollinating a Pickle-weed:
I hope you enjoyed the pics,
Here's a Tri-Color Heron landing in a muddy patch:
And another Tri-Color Heron with a small fish:
A pair of fledgling Blue Herons:
A Great Egret in flight:
A Wood Stork in flight:
A Grackle Landing:
This male Anhinga was determined to bring a bit of greenery back to the nest. He tried and tried to break off this branch, but never managed to get it:
A Roseate Spoonbill attack:
There was a pair of Sandhill Cranes with two chicks in the area. Here is a young one showing off a worm he just caught to his mother:
The obligatory Alligator:
"Don't mind me, I'm just a harmless island with some flowers growing on it" -- until you see the eyes.
A swamp Iris:
And here are a couple of bees pollinating a Pickle-weed:
I hope you enjoyed the pics,
HeronLanding.jpg209.4 KB · Views: 729
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