Seems like the newest cartridge is the .338 Lapua. That baby takes out tanks. Doesn't have the distance of the .308 but has amazing stopping power. I've also seen a new catridge they are testing right now. It's a .416. This baby can reach distances of 2.5 miles. Talk about a long range shot!! They have actually developed a gun just for this cartridge. This will be the wave of the future.
sorry but this is incorrect. the .308 or 7.62x51 NATO has an "effective range" of 800 meters, the .338 lapua has a range of around 1600 meters i believe. also not very effective against tanks, it is a high velocity rather small (relativley speaking, still bigger than .308, 30-06, and .300 win. mag and others) bullet, but the .50 bmg is generally used as an anti material rifle, like against APCs tanks and the like. trucks and cars too, a shot to the engine block is all you need with that round
lets see last i heard the Army(i think it was, could be wrong) was getting rid of the m24 sws by converting half of them from 7.62x51 NATO to .300 winchester magnum, essentially extending the effective range from 800-1200 metes, and getting rid of the other half, replacing them with the new knights armament sws chambered in 7.62x51 NATO since its almost as accurate, but offers semi automatic capability.
lets see these should be the rounds used in our modern militarys "sniping arsenel":
in ascending order
5.56 short range m16 and m4 not quite sniping but good around 600-800 meters
.308 or 7.62x51 NATO good to 800m
.300 win. mag. good out to 1200m
.338 lapua good out to like 1600+m
.50 cal BMG used against material and sometimes "soft targets" out to 2000+m
(.416 and .408 are in the experimental phases, actually i believe they have a cheytac .408 weapon system being used already, but i could be wrong, may still be experimental. both of these calibers show extreme potential out to extreme distances, past .50 BMG capabilities, but i dont know enough about either. plus the cheytac could be in .416 i cant remember but i think its .408)
sorry not trying to rub smash anyones info just trying to give the best answer i can, any of those calibers should make a fairly interesting pen. .308 and 5.56 are both rather small for pens in my opinion but ive seen it done. i myself have made .308, 30-06 and .50 BMG pens, the 30-06 is my favorite for pens its the perfect size. .50 BMG pens are big and heavy and difficult to write with but look really freakin cool on a desk, so are a favorite. unless you have monster hands in which case who knows maybe its comfortable to write with.:wink:
AHHHHH i feel better now, sorry folks i was bored