I wish I could say I've not had that problem, but I can't. Well, I could and make myself sound really great but it would be a lie and quite deceptive. I actually have a large box full of this type on failures along with others you will encounter if you continue. I can only offer some advice.
(1) Clean the skins and try to remove as much of the tanning chemicals as you can, especially the glycerin...as Bruce has mentioned.
(2) I no longer use BBs but pack the tubes with play-dough. Cork one end, pack in the clay and then the other cork. I no longer glue in the corks and have seldom a leak. If so, it stopes at the clay instead of surrounding the BBs. Thanks to Roy, aka Oklahoman for sharing this tip a bout the clay.
(3) I have coated the skins with fingernail polish (clear of course :biggrin
, lacquer, and other stuff I suppose. Thanks again to Roy, I now use CA to coat the skins. I let them set a day or so to totally dry and outgas before casting.
(4) I also do as Bruce suggested and paint uncatalyzed PR onto the skins as I place them in the mold.
(5) I now use an ultrasonic cleaner to help get rid of air in the resin. I love it and will not go back to the vacuum pump.
Has this totally solved the problem you are seeking to solve? No, but it has decreased the frequency and makes me much happier. One more tip. Be sure the blanks are nice and hard before removing them from the mold. Any bending of softer cured castings while removing them will cause the PR to separate from the skin and this problem will happen...even develop hours later. I know, sounds absurd but it happens to me. I leave the blanks in the pressure tank several hours, or at least leave them in the mold for several hours. I hope the tips in this thread improves your casting of snake skins. You've gotten some good advice from several who know of what they speak.
Do a good turn daily!
I have been casting some snake skins and have a problem. My problem is that there is a sheen,or what looks like an air pocket that develops along the side of the skin under the p.r. It varies from just a little spot to almost the entire blank. I've run out of ideas and am asking for help. Has anyone hade a similar problem? If so what was the fix?