After lots of emails from the Prime Minister of Finance for the South African Lottery, I finally got an actual reply to my craigslist ad looking for a riding mower. I traded a 6 year old laptop that sat around in the case, for a Murray 17.5 horse, 42" deck riding mower!!!!!!!!!!!:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
This thing can't be more than a couple of years old at most. Overhead Valve Tecumseh engine with a freakin flowmaster exhaust!! It mows like an absolute dream!
I am sure my neighbor is hating life this morning... I fired this monster up at 8 AM sharp. I got it yesterday, and when i got it, the batery was dead from sitting, the gas was not very good, and it spit and sputtered. I put a new spark plug in it, and a new battery with fresh gas and drove it around the yard for about 5 minutes at full throttle without cutting. When i finally stopped, she was purring like a kitten. I just went out this morning and mowed my whole yard in an hour!!!!!!!!! Of course i still have to hit the areas around the trees with the push mower, but WOW what a difference!!! Instead of spending 7 or 8 hours mowing, I can easily do the whole yard in two!!!
Pics to come... (When i can find the stupid camera):biggrin::biggrin:
This thing can't be more than a couple of years old at most. Overhead Valve Tecumseh engine with a freakin flowmaster exhaust!! It mows like an absolute dream!
I am sure my neighbor is hating life this morning... I fired this monster up at 8 AM sharp. I got it yesterday, and when i got it, the batery was dead from sitting, the gas was not very good, and it spit and sputtered. I put a new spark plug in it, and a new battery with fresh gas and drove it around the yard for about 5 minutes at full throttle without cutting. When i finally stopped, she was purring like a kitten. I just went out this morning and mowed my whole yard in an hour!!!!!!!!! Of course i still have to hit the areas around the trees with the push mower, but WOW what a difference!!! Instead of spending 7 or 8 hours mowing, I can easily do the whole yard in two!!!
Pics to come... (When i can find the stupid camera):biggrin::biggrin: