A couple members on the Ringmaster Lathe Turning board on my own site were getting concerened that I had missed a day without showing my latest RM bowls . lol .. SO . . . . . .
I was re-sawing some odds and ends of scraps of wood that didn't make it to the burn pile so yesterday I whipped up a few smaller RM bowls for a change after making so many large ones.
The largest is 8" diameter Cherry and Horse Chestnut .
The two 5.75" ones are a mix and match of Horse Chestnut and Cherry and Walnut.
The two 5" ones are a mix and match Catalpa and Yew and Aspen.
I was re-sawing some odds and ends of scraps of wood that didn't make it to the burn pile so yesterday I whipped up a few smaller RM bowls for a change after making so many large ones.
The largest is 8" diameter Cherry and Horse Chestnut .
The two 5.75" ones are a mix and match of Horse Chestnut and Cherry and Walnut.
The two 5" ones are a mix and match Catalpa and Yew and Aspen.