Slimline Unlimited Contest

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May 10, 2011
Faith SD
The 2016 Summer Extravaganza Slimline Contest is shaking things up. We're going to do something new and something old school and maybe even something British or possibly Welsh.

A rose by any other name........

For this years Slimline Unlimited Contest, you going to have take a slimline kit and make it look like another kit. At minimum you need to use the 7mm transmission.

Just like in the old days.......

Once your pen is completed you will post up to four pictures right here in this thread. There will be no anonymity.

I may need Skiprat to explain this next part.......

After your pen is posted you are encouraged to "take the mickey out of each other".

Pens need to be completed by such and such day in the summertime when it's hot out.

Winner will be selected by IAP membership vote.
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