OK so I'm only five ten and a half, and I guess I'm not as bullet proof as I thought, for the past few years I've been reading the very sage and learned advise of people much wiser than my self, (actually my dogs are wiser than me) WEAR A ventilation mask when turning certain woods, and some times I do, (some times I don't) but yesterday and the day before I was cutting and turning some Coco and yesterday I sanded 3 or 4 blanks, sans mask, this morning I work up with a slightly sore throat and a runny nose, as the day progressed so did the burning sensation in my Sinus cavities, SO a few hours ago I gave in took a hit of Advair, and a blast of Astelin and now I will always wear my mask when I turn, this was the first time I'd turned any real nice Cocobolo and Ebony's have never bothered me before, but this one has learned me a lesson in dumb. glad I got off this lightly.