Silver dyed burl blanks?

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Aug 12, 2021
Some years ago, I purchased a blank from an online seller, don't recall who, that was simply titled "Silver Maple Burl." At the time I purchased it, I didn't quite realize that this was a silver-dyed maple burl blank. I thought it was a "silver maple" burl blank. ;) Well, turned out it was a "maple burl" that had been dyed silver...and it really DID look silver. It was a really amazing blank, and I'd never seen anything like it before, and still have not seen anything like it since.

I made the following pen from this blank. I was still quite new to pens, and I made some small mistakes, so I was never quite satisfied with it. The blank had also been sanded smooth, and that often leaves a taper to the blank (blank sellers, this can be a HUGE problem for pen crafters as it can leave the blank unable to be held properly in pen vise grips...either for a drill press or when used with pen chuck jaws on a lathe!) That caused some trouble drilling, which was one of the issues/mistakes I made.



In any case, I would really love to buy more blanks like this. I can't seem to find who the original seller was, and I have searched high and low in all my old haunts, and have never seen such a blank on sale again. So I am curious...any of you dyed blank makers out "silver" dye something you could do with maple burl? I think maple makes the ideal burl given the light colored nature of the wood, which with a dye like silver, or even gray, I think the light colored wood would handle it better. As you can see above, the blank really was thoroughly saturated and dyed by whatever the blank maker used, and with the chatoyance it really did have a nice shimmering silvery look to it. Such a wonderful and unique blank...and I have several pens I'd like to make where such a burl would again be the PERFECT fit.

Any burl dying masters out there?
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I know. :'( I wish I had said something... I am not sure if they are still selling, is the thing. I am pretty sure it was a seller on EBay, but sometimes the old purchase history is a bit screwed up, so I'm not sure.

That said, it sounds like Kate at Bullseye does custom stabilization, so I may be able to get some made through them. Going to try ,at least!
To be candid - this looks like it was dyed black but because of the wood grain it looks silver
Thanks for the reply. You might be right, as some of it was definitely closer to black than gray or silver. I don't know if you have a minimum limit on your service, as I can't spend a lot, but I would like to try it and see how it goes.
Thanks for the reply. You might be right, as some of it was definitely closer to black than gray or silver. I don't know if you have a minimum limit on your service, as I can't spend a lot, but I would like to try it and see how it goes.
this might also scratch the itch

Geez Kate, your curly cottonwood is downright gorgeous! If you bring some teal green curly cottonwood Saturday to Turners open house I'll buy four from you. Or, I can just order online. You have some amazing dyed stabilized blanks!
Geez Kate, your curly cottonwood is downright gorgeous! If you bring some teal green curly cottonwood Saturday to Turners open house I'll buy four from you. Or, I can just order online. You have some amazing dyed stabilized blanks!
Dang thanks dude! I'll have them!

Thank you for the link. I'll have to ponder these... They are similar, but definitely more black/darker. The idea I had in mind, kind of depends on more of a "silver" look. Is there any such thing as a "gray" dye? I wonder if a gray or dark gray might produce the desired results.

I did check out your custom dye/stabilizing page. The $25 fee, for now, kind of prices me out of that option. In the future, I do have a bunch of cutoffs of some punky spalted woods that I need stabilized. I can stabilize myself, but, I have no experience with dying, and I might cut these up and have them dye stabilized. The $25 fee kind of mandates a certain amount of bulk, for each blank to be cost effective. ;)
this might also scratch the itch

Ooh, ok, the box elders, are looking really good there! The cottonwood figure is also amazing. I may have to pick up some of those black box elders, but the teal green (or maybe brilliant blue) cottonwood is REALLY calling to me!! :O ... OK, now I think I may be needing to do some segmenting with both the teal and black cottonwood, as well....

Some truly wonderful blanks there! You have me hooked!
Thank you for the link. I'll have to ponder these... They are similar, but definitely more black/darker. The idea I had in mind, kind of depends on more of a "silver" look. Is there any such thing as a "gray" dye? I wonder if a gray or dark gray might produce the desired results.

I did check out your custom dye/stabilizing page. The $25 fee, for now, kind of prices me out of that option. In the future, I do have a bunch of cutoffs of some punky spalted woods that I need stabilized. I can stabilize myself, but, I have no experience with dying, and I might cut these up and have them dye stabilized. The $25 fee kind of mandates a certain amount of bulk, for each blank to be cost effective. ;)
There isn't a grey dye - I'd basically have to mix a less concentrated black

and yes I understand about the $25 fee - that's to cover electricity and blank drying, things like that. Since we only charge for the resin used, it helps cover our additional costs. We have done jobs where folks only want 5 blanks and jobs where we are asked for 2 blanks of every color - things like this require a lot of additional labor so the fee is our way of not having to require minimum orders.
@KateHarrow I ordered some of those blanks. One of the box elder, two of the curly (brilliant blue and midnight). Going to try and make some simple segmented blanks with the curly stuff, and probably some silver colored metal bands. I have a couple pens specifically slated for the box elder burl as well. Based on your photos, this is pretty much exactly what I was looking for!
@KateHarrow I ordered some of those blanks. One of the box elder, two of the curly (brilliant blue and midnight). Going to try and make some simple segmented blanks with the curly stuff, and probably some silver colored metal bands. I have a couple pens specifically slated for the box elder burl as well. Based on your photos, this is pretty much exactly what I was looking for!
I got them out today before my trek to Arizona tomorrow. I appreciate you!
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