Signature over Lacquer?

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Jan 6, 2009
Searsport, Maine
Does anyone know if a sharpie will work over a lacquer finish?
I want to sign the inside of a pen box but I'm not sure how it will react. :confused:
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depends how long you have to do the job but have you thought of doing it with the help of some of the clear transfer paper and then sticking it on ?

you soak the sticker in water and then slide it onto the item and allow to dry and it should work fine. PM me for any more information. It does dependin on how much effort you wish to go use to get the job done.

Cheers Ian
depends how long you have to do the job but have you thought of doing it with the help of some of the clear transfer paper and then sticking it on ?

you soak the sticker in water and then slide it onto the item and allow to dry and it should work fine. PM me for any more information. It does dependin on how much effort you wish to go use to get the job done.

Cheers Ian

That sounds like a good option .... for another time :biggrin:
Does the transfer paper take a signature from a pen ok without smearing?
I have wanted to try the water slide paper sometime on a pen. I may have to look into it soon.
To cover myself tonight, I have made up a label insert and signed that ... just in case it gets delivered tomorrow. There is probably a better chance that I will have more time to look into other options. I'll try spraying a scrap piece tomorrow to use as a test piece. :)
Yes, the silver or gold sharpie will work over glass, paint , CA and everything else I have tried. I like the "sharp" point as the others look a bit pedestrian
Yes, the silver or gold sharpie will work over glass, paint , CA and everything else I have tried. I like the "sharp" point as the others look a bit pedestrian

"Silver and Gold ... Silver and Gold" ....
I have the Sharp sharpie .... but of course it's not Silver OR Gold. :frown:

but I will get one .... sometime
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