Sick again...Its been a bad year so far!!!1

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Jul 9, 2007
warren, michigan, USA.
Wow picked up a bug from my sister or her kids and was up all last night with a bad fever(no fun).Stayed home from work today(stinks).This must be the fourth time this year have been sick,what I mean by sick is losing a day of work.Must be a bad year as I believe I'm in the best shape/health I have ever been in(only 33 years old).Anyone else having such a year?Well I think I will go watch a movie....Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,Victor
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Man, just reading this makes me feel bad. Better go take my temperature.

Hope you're feeling better so. The summer is an especially bad time to have a fever.
Take care of yourself, Victor.
Don't know if it's your case or not, but burning the candle at both ends
will sure catch up with you.
Get well!
I'm 32 and this year has been good (as far as my own health is concerned). Last year I got pretty sick for a few days straight. Hopefully my 33rd year won't be like yours. Take care of yourself!
Victor, I'll trade you I get to do a Cardiac Catheterization next Wednesday I'll get a few hours sleep and a 1/2 inch hole cut in my inner thigh and two days OF CRAPPY FOOD. and some fool waking me up to make sure I WAS ASLEEP.
Victor, Very sorry to hear you missed yet ANOTHER day of work, dude. Maybe that is part of the problem ... you are working way to many hours and your system is getting run down and probably needs the rest to catchup.

Try going down to the local health food stores and get yourself a bottle of colloidal silver ... the danged stuff is very good for most of what might get us sick these days. It is expensive BUT it works wonders. The main trick is you must take it for a bit of time and not stop until everything is well and good again. I took an ounce a day for over four years. It also eliminates the plaque in one's mouth.

I found a cheaper cure, but it damn near cost me my life. That was to roll over in my sleep about 40 years or so ago and trap and hold until dead, a small Brown Recluse spider. It was a bit smaller than a green pea, but it sure did turn out to be a near death experience for me. That bad bug bit me six times around the same area on my lower left eyelid right where the eyelash grows out.

I ended up spending ten days in the ICU down at Emory hospital, another week in my room with NO LIGHT at all allowed in there. AND then another two weeks getting up and starting to walk again. To this day I no longer get colds, the flu, nothing upper respiratory related ... and I mean absolutely nothing. Poison Ivy and other such plants are almost ineffective in making me breakout. And mosquitoes hate me now.

HOWEVER, I compare my experience to one getting shot by a lead bullet just so they might recover and become immune to lead poisoning. In other words LEAVE THE DAMN SPIDER(s) ALONE.
Thanks for the nice words everyone.I'm feeling better this mourning I think I will eat a real meal.I do work a lot of hours if I'm not doing my carpentry I'm cutting trees/milling lumber/selling lumber/chasing logs/the list never ends.Its hard to try to get a small lumber biz off the ground all by yourself(oh with a little computer help from the girl friend).I will stay away from the spiders as I don't think your experience sounds to tempting.Thanks again for the advise and nice words,Victor
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