Shipping pen blanks internationally

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Nov 8, 2007
Cedar Park, TX, USA.
I have a possible trade of pen blanks (less than a dozen) pending with with an IAP member in Ireland.

I have never shipped internationally before and would appreciate any suggestions you can provide.

1) Which carrier would you recommend for a small shipment? USPS?

2) From reading other posts, it sounds like an export declaration might be required?
If yes do I need to list the scientific name of each wood?

What would you suggest they are declared as? Pen blanks? Hobbyist wood?

3) On the import side, is there anything I need to do or does the package just show up as normal? I'm trading for bog oak.

4) Any gotachas I need to be concerned about?

Please share any other information / tips you think are useful. Thanks!
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I would send it via USPS and declare the items as 'pen blanks'. The return package will be delivered to you just like any other package.
I recommend USPS.

You do have to send a declaration. I would just list them as pen blanks. I would also list this as a gift. Your sending them a gift and they are sending you a gift. No money is being transferred.

Nothing should need to be done on the other side.
USPS and either global priority or flat rate. This is done for me regularly by my daughter and by people sending pen blanks to Japan.

I use the term "pen blanks" and that is what people write when sending to me.
I'm working on a deal for some right now too. Just bought 14 for less than $20+shipping and am trying to line up more. All the blanks I've received had no problems at all.
I did a trade with a member in Australia. There would have been no problem but I included some lagniappe hunks of wood with bark still on. The whole box was held up for inspection by bug detectives.
As a former international forwarding agent, wood with bark into Australia is a real no-no.. unless you take it to a fumigator and pay them the $50-100 they charge to fumigate the wood and issue you a fumigation certificate..

As several have said, to export pen blanks internationally, go to USPS and tell them it's an interntional shipment.. they will give you the declaration forms, which are simple and self explanatory.. list them as pen blanks, a gift and declare a relatively low value. Shouldn't be a major problem to most destinations.

Edit: on the inbound side, the post office usually handles the customs and delivers as normal... if the value is over $250 (I think.. it's been a while) you may get a notice and have to make customs arrangements yourself.. that gets a little more complicated, but you can handle yourself also.
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