Shipping flat rate USPS to Canada

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Dec 22, 2007
I tried to find the info on the USPS site but go more than one answer. If I want to send something to Canada via the medium flat rate box is the same pricing as if I wee sending to another location in the US?

When I did the calculate postage feature is said it was the same pricing but when I look at another section with pricing is said it was double.

any help here?

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I think it might depend on weight, some packages and weights might fall inside
a small crossover window in shipping charges. But overall, I'd say double sounds
more likely.
I tried a couple of sizes on their website and it usually came up at least twice
as much. Might depend on where you're shipping, too.. I'm not sure
from what I see the Med flat rate box (FRB1 or FRB2) to Canada is $25.95, $41.95 to countries other than Canada and Mexico. With a weight limit of 20 lbs.
you need to look under Priority International postage rates.
It was $12.40 to ship a small flatrate box to Ireland. The last time I sent a larger flatrate box to Cananda, it cost roughly $26.
They wouldn't let me ship first class to Ireland for some reason, probably so they could get a couple extra bucks for doing the same thing.
They wouldn't let me ship first class to Ireland for some reason, probably so they could get a couple extra bucks for doing the same thing.

That's because you kept poking your head out of the box and telling
them to put more tape on it. You have to remember: the post office
will ONLY supply free tape on Priority Mail packages.
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