Sharing the trip from Ontario

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Mar 17, 2010
Lyn, Ontario, Canada
I would love to make the trip, but gas, hotels and 10hr drive is a bit much to do alone. Is there anyone that would be interested in sharing the trip.

I am just outside Brockville, ON. I have a Grand Caravan that can easily take at least 4 people and baggage. Google maps says the route would be through Watertown, Syracuse, Harrisburg and down to Richmond. About 1000km.

If anyone is interested, let me know. My email is:
Hope you can make the trip. :smile: If you can't find some car poolers, direct round trip flights from Toronto seem to start at $375. :rolleyes:

I just looked at a map of Ontario and see that you are 3 hours from Toronto. Not much of an alternative. How about a flight from inside the US border? ;)
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