Sensitivity classes at work

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jack barnes

Aug 5, 2005
Springfield, Ma.
I'm a person that says whats on my mind, will tell someone what I thank about them.
Tomarrow at work we have to go to class to learn to be more sensitive. Because some of us are getting are fellings hurt. I'm a lead machine operator, and told the boss this is stupid and a waste of time. What am I suposed to do tell someone, oh I'm sorry you have to work so hard. He told me HR said everyone s required to attend.
No wonder manufacturing bussiness is leaving,( besides cost ) because we're becoming a country of babies instead of men.

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Jack, I wholeheartedly agree, it's a Bi#ch when you have to apologize to some one for not doing their job, and excuse yo0ur self for being so rude, as to interrupt their paid leisure time, (the thing some call work) to bring this fact to their attention or lack there of, Ya gotta LOVE sensitivity training.
I was the Director of Training for a Fortune 100 company when I retired four years ago and I must say, one of the most impactful training sessions I ever attended addressed issues much like that. The division I worked in consisted of almost 10,000 mechanics who much like you (and me), just tell it like they see it. The program is called Management by Strengths and was very well received by everyone who took it. You might have your HR leader look it over (do a Google search and you'll find it). This program actually teaches you more about yourself and you end up with a grid that helps you and others understand your strengths and approach each other from that perspective.

I have no affiliation with this program, I was just a very impressed participant and believe me, I've seen a ton of different sensitivity training type programs in my career. Just a thought...

Jim Smith
I have been to this sort of training,and had a similar opinion to
yours before the classes.
Maybe just try to keep an open mind,and see what you think afterwards.
For me it was a mixed bag of a few gems and a lot of dirt.
But there were the gems.
If you're lucky they will provide snacks!!:biggrin:
Some of my most comfortable paid naps were during all the sexual sensitivity classes I had to take. I would say what was on my mind, and tell it like it was, including the women and how they weren't doing their job. I think I had at least one class a week.
I would say what I had to say infront of everyone, not just the guys. The girls were ok with what I said. Ironically, it was a skinny dumb white guy that always turned me in on this matter, and did the complaining.
I have never been patronized more in the work place than by someone who has been through one or another sensitivity type class. Nothing but BS as far as I am concerned. Geesch, treat me like a man, not someone who's feelings get hurt if I don't get the attention I want or my way. Sadly though, people do seem to get their feelings hurt more these days. Seems the work place is more about them than doing your job and your best for the employer. Heaven forbid one should be told that their work performance is lacking and they need to pick up the pace a bit or they might not have a job!! Or that they really need to being doing some work on their computer instead of hanging out at My Space all day. Seems to many think the employer needs to show a bit more gratitude that they work there!!!!
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Jack .... here's how I see it. As long as I'm employed by somebody, whether it be a corporation, a private employer, or in my case ... a university, I'm part of their team.

If the president announces, "Here's the direction we're going ....." I then have the choice of saying to myself, "Okay, I'm on board. Let's get going." Or .... "Chuck it. I have no interest in getting on board."

If I'm not happy with the direction things are going .... it's time for me to start applying for a new job with a university that's going in the direction that I want to go.

With that said, maybe it's time for you to update your c.v.
I also agree with Doc.

I will add that it has been my experience that many people who find themselves saying something along the lines of "I call it as I see it" are merely trying to rationalize why they are jerks. It doesn't take much effort to filter what you say before you open your mouth, but some refuse to make the attempt.
Steve, I couldn't possibly agree with you more, you summed this whole thing up perfectly. I HAD a brother (he drank himself to death I presume because even he couldn't stand being around himself) who was a "call it like I see it" kind of guy. Problem was, no one on Earth gave a flying rip about how he saw it, except the bitter, mad creatures like him. He was, quite simply, the hardest person to be in the same room with I ever came across in my life, and I had the joy of spending 18 years in the same house with him.

We could all learn how to live with different points of view more. Go to the class, Jack, keep an open mind, and get what you can get out of it. It's never too late to learn.

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Doesn't it seem like there is a little bit of "irony" in chastising publicly for "telling it like it is" . . . Maybe some sensitivity training would be good after all. :biggrin: Is there a full moon out?
I work for the State, and there are not a whole lot of strong steadfast rules except. Never, never cause problems for anyone. The single best way to cause problems for other people is offend someone. You will then have the privilege of meeting all sorts of new people. Like Attorneys, people in the personnel office, councilors, and an unbelievably long list of people you could not even imagine can get involved. I actually got to have a really long conversation with a affirmative action investigator, And I wasn't the one that made the offending statement.
The irony is someone 'telling it like it is' about their negative feelings towards someone else 'telling it like it is'.
Hank, don't you find what Steve said to be generally true? I don't think he mentioned Jack's name specifically, although I could see how all this can get taken personally and explode. I've observed during my entire life that, almost universally, "tell it like it is" kind of folks have ZERO room for anyone else's points of view, and that's the whole point of sensitivity training. My brother, for one, would have benefitted GREATLY from it-assuming he kept an open mind, which of course was unlikely which was his and many folks' problem.

It's wonderful to "tell it like it is", but if you call the other guy an idiot because he has a different point of view, expect a fight. That's what many companies hope to avoid, and I applaud them for it.

Jack don't take it so personally, it sounds like everyone has to go. I was just singled out at the job to go to an anger mangement counselor, not even a class just a counselor. The whole idea of it is pi**ing me off.
It's wonderful to "tell it like it is", but if you call the other guy an idiot because he has a different point of view, expect a fight. That's what many companies hope to avoid, and I applaud them for it.


To be honest about this - we are probably on two different waves lengths here.

I find it quite refreshing to hear from people who tell it like it is from their perspective. I am not talking about yelling, bullying, or intimidating, but telling it like it is as in up front, open and honest. I know where they stand on an issue when team work is needed. I know where they stand when corrections have to be made. I personally get less bickering from people who are up front with their opinions. In my work with those that I supervise, I encourage everyone to be up front and honest about their opinions and don't hold back. That way we get to deal with problems at the beginning, clear the air as to expectations and direction of work, work on cooperation and move forward. Don't always work that way but most of the time it does. After opinions are stated, we work on how that can or can't work within the system and move on. Everybody's opinion may not be right, but it is important.
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To be honest about this - we are probably on two different waves lengths here.

I find it quite refreshing to hear from people who tell it like it is from their perspective. I am not talking about yelling, bullying, or intimidating, but telling it like it is as in up front, open and honest. I know where they stand on an issue when team work is needed. I know where they stand when corrections have to be made. I personally get less bickering from people who are up front with their opinions. In my work with those that I supervise, I encourage everyone to be up front and honest about their opinions and don't hold back. That way we get to deal with problems at the beginning, clear the air as to expectations and direction of work, work on cooperation and move forward. Don't always work that way but most of the time it does. After opinions are stated, we work on how that can or can't work within the system.

Everybody's opinion and own version of telling like it is may not be right, but it is important.

Hank, serious question...How does that work in Japan? My (very) limited understanding of much of the Japanese culture is to avoid confrontation, express opinions subtly or through 3rd parties and to avoid making any statement that could or might give direct offense? Am I way off or has it changed?
I am no authority about the Japanese, But I have had experience working with them. Years ago I was the Catering Coordinator for the food service here on campus. every summer we had about 90 students visit and live on campus. one of my jobs was to direct them through their cultural transition in the first week they where here (in relation to the food service) I worked elbow to elbow with the lady that directed this program and she did know the Japanese very well. She would explain to me how things where done in Japan so I would understand what confusions the students might have.
One thing I learned is that the Japanese do not do much of anything without being invited. the very first event that these student where brought to was a reception. there was a table with drinks on it that any American would not think twice about walking over to and taking one. These students would stand in front of the table and stand their. You had to invite them to take a glass. They would not even ask for one. It did not take long for them to figure out that it was polite to just take what they wanted but still it had to be shown to them. The next day it was my job to get them all through a Buffet Line. Hopefully if I did the job right the night before they all pretty much had the hang of it. otherwise that morning was a nightmare.

I also found that the Japanese will not speak to you until you invite them to. then they have plenty to say.
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To be honest about this - we are probably on two different waves lengths here.

I find it quite refreshing to hear from people who tell it like it is from their perspective...

Hank, don't think we're on different waves at all. To me, there are 2 kinds of people. Those that want to spout their opinions and don't give a crap about yours, or have only contempt for yours, and those that can offer opinions without the heat. If everyone were the latter, there would be no need for "sensitivity" awareness.

I have friends on the opposite side politically that I have great discussions with. But they value my opinions, and I value theirs. I also have those I can't possibly bring politics up, because I know where it will go, and it ain't pretty.

I'm totally with you, I value all different opinions, but that requires a sense of inclusiveness. You tend not to find that on both far edges of the political spectrum, and that generally mirrors what makes people tick.

Interesting stuff about the Japanese. Are these types of classes offered there, or needed? What do you do there?

I have met people that will "Say it like it is" with the goal being to be "Right". I have also known those to "Say it like it is" to be honest. there is a huge difference. I have been accused of being "Brutally honest" but I also listen and understand, not necessarily agree, with what others think. I also do not usually consider myself to be "Right" I am simply not that smart, but I am smart enough to know that what i think, is most likely wrong and even worse "I don't know, what I don't know".
I will say it like it is to be honest, and if you don't agree with me, that's ok, although the that's ok part you might not get too see. I'll test you to see how much you really believe what you're saying is right. I might argue with you about it, and even use arguments that I don't believe just to know how well you have thought out your standpoint, and how solid your reasoning is.
Contrary to popular opinion to those who know me personally, I don't argue just to have an argument. Maybe I shoudl change the word to debate. If the debate gets heated, it's ok. You learn more about a person from his beliefs and passions, than from his logic.
Also, sometimes my questioning can sound like interogation. But, I don't believe the fool me once shame on you saying. I believe fool me once shame on me.
I find most of the sensitivity training seminars to be patronizing and counterproductive. In a diverse setting like the workplace, it teaches us to treat others as 'special' rather than as peers or colleagues. This has the effect of further alienating the sensitivity target and creating resentment on everyone's part. Usually by the end of the seminar someone is in tears, and the person running the seminar considers this justification for their exorbitant seminar fees. The company goes on as usual, with more complaints as people now have an official 'cause' complete with the lingo that goes with it.

If someone is out of bounds, they should be called on it. There's no reason to be callous and insensitive. But please don't feed me the happy happy feel good jargon and exercises, workbooks etc. And keep all your buzzwords and new age crapola..
I think that more often than not, the seminars cause more problems than they solve.

Besides, we're raising another generation of weenies who think the world revolves around them and they have the inalienable right to live their lives without ever hearing a discouraging word. (and "NO" is a discouraging word..)

There. How sensitive was that?
I find most of the sensitivity training seminars to be patronizing and counterproductive. In a diverse setting like the workplace, it teaches us to treat others as 'special' rather than as peers or colleagues. This has the effect of further alienating the sensitivity target and creating resentment on everyone's part. Usually by the end of the seminar someone is in tears, and the person running the seminar considers this justification for their exorbitant seminar fees. The company goes on as usual, with more complaints as people now have an official 'cause' complete with the lingo that goes with it.

If someone is out of bounds, they should be called on it. There's no reason to be callous and insensitive. But please don't feed me the happy happy feel good jargon and exercises, workbooks etc. And keep all your buzzwords and new age crapola..
I think that more often than not, the seminars cause more problems than they solve.

Besides, we're raising another generation of weenies who think the world revolves around them and they have the inalienable right to live their lives without ever hearing a discouraging word. (and "NO" is a discouraging word..)

There. How sensitive was that?

Extremely Honest and to the point, I applaud and agree with you assessment. I thinkwhere an honest fair criticism is done for constructive purposes in the work place, is a pleasure to work in, but these Tight A$$ corporate hand me down places, where every on kisses every body elses rear, going out of their way to be PC are stupid and counter productive, Look at the BIG THREE. I do think that there is no room for sexual innuendo in the work place but even that has been taken to new limits of absurdity, such as when the 5 or 6 year old boy was either expelled or suspended and forced to take some stupid class because he kissed a little girl, I guess if the kid had jumped the teachers bones it would have played out better.
If we need this extra sensitivity training, then something must have been amiss in our basic upbringing, I was taught to respect people until they proved themselves as not good people to be around and was taught to be patiente with people, I still try to be, as I've said my last 5 years , being an assistant instructor was the most fum I've ever had, and we had to gto through all the possible scenarios for sexual harassment situations, It's amazing how far some people will go to push men into this and then scream Quick call a lawyer I gotta claim. But that goes back to the basic character of that person, which No trainingn is going to alter, Bottom line is,
"You can't make a silk purse from a sows ear"
Amen, NewLondon88. The problem with the sensitivity training is that the topic usually (and I say usually as mostly) revolves around teaching everyone that the most whiniest and sensitive of the work group (read: the LEAST productive and MOST problematic) has to be pacified and catered to until they are satisfied that no one could possibly be offended that they will not do the same work that everyone else will. Should someone be out of line, they WILL get called on it if the "call it as they see it" crowd is around. But when you teach the same crowd to be silent it is the same result as the saying "all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing". Being offensive for arbitrary and capricious reasons is not what I see the problem to be. It is occasionally an issue that a**holes use the excuse that they are "call it as they see it" types but usually the types are the kind that are down to earth, straight up types who let you know where you stand and when you've crossed a line. Likewise: Being protected against any and all possible offense is NOT a constitutional right, despite what you may have heard to the contrary...
Hank, serious question...How does that work in Japan? My (very) limited understanding of much of the Japanese culture is to avoid confrontation, express opinions subtly or through 3rd parties and to avoid making any statement that could or might give direct offense? Am I way off or has it changed?

Absolutely - they are un-confrontational by and large! You are right on! For me - When in Rome do as the Romans do - as long as it does not violate one's values and principles. It might be the perception that I do here in Japan as I do on the forum. Not true. Actually, among Japanese men as a whole - the more silent you are in a large group, in conjunction to your age - the more you are perceived to be the leader/boss/supervisor. Then a few words become very impact-ful. However, a caveat is - the more smaller the community is such as country towns - the more (comparatively) open and verbal people are.

I teach this observance and respect to some of our personnel. However, in dealing with new personnel and those that transfer in, it becomes very necessary to take the bull by the horns, so to speak, and get them into the above frame of mind. You HAVE to know your personnel or they can mess things up.

The old addage "East is east and west is west and never the twain shall meet." Boy is that Japan / N.AM-Euro.

Now, as to some probable perceptions of me :biggrin: - I am of the old school mentality. Basically conservative, strong on values and principles and that is where I try to head in my arguments. As a result I operate is like republicans and democrats of old who would debate to the n'th degree on the house floor republicans, and then go to dinner together afterward. I can debate, strongly disagree and still be friends.

I like what Daniel said about being "Brutally Honest".

One last thing, I do find that pushing hard working people into a corner and making them be quiet only bottles up things that make it worse. I give them an out and let them be heard as well as their opinion discussed. Relieves a lot of pressure, and not surprisingly - new ideas do come out. AS mentioned above, some "sensitivity" classes are often patronizing and have the result of further pushing the hardest workers into a corner that forces them to be who they are not!

Being "sensitive" as management means listening to and discussing with vocal people as much as the silent people.
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Very interesting. First of all in no way has my feeling been hurt by anyones comments and or did I take any thing personal.
My work performance at work has always been to the best of my ability, and I have reviews that support this. My bosses call me the go to man. When I say whats on my mind it is for a good reason not a knee jerk reaction. When someone is not pulling their share of the load I believe they need to be called on it.
The training was mostly a PC thing. I suppose some good might come from it. I do believe it's mostly going to give the people that get their feeling hurt to be even less productive.

Being "sensitive" as management means listening to and discussing with vocal people as much as the silent people.

Sounds more like 'reasonable' to me..:biggrin:

I know what you mean about 'never the twain' .. I worked for FujiFilm for 10
years and Tokyo didn't appreciate us 'westernizing' their visiting staff. We'd
get about 1-2 years getting someone used to our way of thinking .. just to
have them called back to Japan..
I find most of the sensitivity training seminars to be patronizing and counterproductive. In a diverse setting like the workplace, it teaches us to treat others as 'special' rather than as peers or colleagues. This has the effect of further alienating the sensitivity target and creating resentment on everyone's part. Usually by the end of the seminar someone is in tears, and the person running the seminar considers this justification for their exorbitant seminar fees. The company goes on as usual, with more complaints as people now have an official 'cause' complete with the lingo that goes with it.

If someone is out of bounds, they should be called on it. There's no reason to be callous and insensitive. But please don't feed me the happy happy feel good jargon and exercises, workbooks etc. And keep all your buzzwords and new age crapola..
I think that more often than not, the seminars cause more problems than they solve.

Besides, we're raising another generation of weenies who think the world revolves around them and they have the inalienable right to live their lives without ever hearing a discouraging word. (and "NO" is a discouraging word..)

There. How sensitive was that?

AMEN!!! (Waving hankie too!!)

I want to clarify that I do not feel that "telling it like it is" is a right to cuss someone out. "Telling it like it is" is to simply tell someone when they need to kick it up a notch or that they simply do not have what it takes. Patronizing, or treating them with the proverbial kid gloves does not better them in ANY way. It just causes them to become more self absorbed than they already are. Granted, the truth hurts at times but it leaves one knowing right where they are at and gives them a starting point on which to begin a change.

(this sensitivity stuff sounds a lot like the PC stuff!!)
AMEN!!! (Waving hankie too!!)

I want to clarify that I do not feel that "telling it like it is" is a right to cuss someone out. "Telling it like it is" is to simply tell someone when they need to kick it up a notch or that they simply do not have what it takes. Patronizing, or treating them with the proverbial kid gloves does not better them in ANY way. It just causes them to become more self absorbed than they already are. Granted, the truth hurts at times but it leaves one knowing right where they are at and gives them a starting point on which to begin a change.

(this sensitivity stuff sounds a lot like the PC stuff!!)

Dang! And all this time, I thought Cozee was cussing me out. Who would have thought! :biggrin:

Although we have been known to tell each other like it is. Except, I'd like it better if he used the kid gloves ... sort of. :biggrin:

Hey Jack .... I was thinking about you today .. and wondering how you were holding up. Sounds like you made it in one piece, more or less!
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I'm a person that says whats on my mind, will tell someone what I thank about them.
Tomarrow at work we have to go to class to learn to be more sensitive. Because some of us are getting are fellings hurt....Jack
One thought:

Shuddup ya whiny baby and take it like a man!
Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
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