Segmented Pen With A Cross Inlay

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Dale Parrott

Feb 22, 2012
Goshen, Indiana
A project from a few days ago. I know it's "just a Slimline" but it provided me with at least 2 hours of entertainment for less than $5.00 and will make a nice gift. Woods are Cherry, Maple, and Bloodwood. Hope you like it.


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Excellent inlay Dale. The cross itself is wonderful, but the veneers really set the contrast nicely. A great enhancement from other cross designs.

Thanks for sharing.
Superb work, Dale !!! . I would sure like to know the step-by-step of getting the cross in the ellipse surrounded by veneer rings ... gonna hafta think hard !!
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Superb work, Dale !!! . I would sure like to know the step-by-step of getting the cross in the ellipse surrounded by veneer rings ... gonna hafta think hard !!

I'm not real good at explanations but I have a couple photos that should help.
You need 2 blanks the same size to make this. The veneers need to have the grain across the blank so that it will bend. After it's clamped drizzle thin CA in all the cracks and let dry (or accelerator). These pix were from a different pen with a double cross process is the same.


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  • IMG_20180406_40922.jpg
    62.2 KB · Views: 390 that it?:rolleyes:
That's using the old noodle!
This falls into that category of...'why didn't I think of that'!:biggrin:
Amazing pen Dale and thank you for the pics that really are worth a thousand words.
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