Scroll Saw

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May 21, 2010
Orlando, Florida
I have been getting into some scrolling and wondered if you guys know anything that would be cool to cut out? I have not been able to come up with any ideas, scrollers block!
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Get a magazine called Creative Woodcrafts or there is a Scrollsawer magazine and they always have plans in them or I found alot online doing a google search.
What do you think would be cool. I design scrollsaw patterns. I could make something for you or share something I already have designed.
I have been getting into some scrolling and wondered if you guys know anything that would be cool to cut out? I have not been able to come up with any ideas, scrollers block!

Oh my. Pen turning is a nice hobby and there are some different materials that you can use to make pens but in the end that is all you have, A PEN. Yes the designs are great and the use of various kits are usually what makes or breaks a look of a beautiful pen blank but again when said and done you have a pen. ( Notice I am not including all turning so my point is related to this site because it was brought up here)

Scrolling is sooooooooooo much more and I mean so much more. There are various forms of scrolling such as intarsia, fret work compound scrolling, portrait work, marquetry, and so on. My start in the hobby world began over 27 years ago with scrolling. I love to do clocks, hence the name , JTTHECLOCKMAN. 2 of the best magazines out there are Creative Woodworks and Crafts and Scrollsaw Woodworks and Crafts. Look for those in any book store. Great place to start. Join one of the many scrollsaw forums out there ( if you want a list PM me) . As mentioned there are a ton of free scrolling pattern sites.

As to what is interesting to do is a matter of choice, patience, and eye of the beholder. Did I mention I like clocks. :biggrin:

Now getting into scrolling is alot like getting into turning pens, there is the tool factor but if you buy well from the getgo you will be happy and enjoy a long pleasurable hobby for many years. Also remember and Jeff is a prime example that scrolling can be combined with turning and you open a whole new avenue of pleasure. Go get em and welcome to the world of scrolling.
Start with fretwork. A simple google of free fretwork patterns should blow you away. It is a great basic stepping stone to whatever form of scrolling might suit you. Many people stay with fretwork and many people go on to other types of scrolling, but the bottom line is that fretwork is easy to do, not overly time consuming with the simpler patterns, and requires little in the way of tools and knowledge. It will teach you the proper way to use your saw, and if you are a bit rough in the beginning and you screw up..not so much money, material, labour is gone. First thing you need to do is learn to spin....Can you drill a 1/4" hole in a piece of wood and then install the blade in the hole and spin the wood back and forth in circles without ever touching the wood? If not...get practicing! This is the basic concept of scrolling right there...controlled spin of the wood, because the wood turns, not the blade..otherwise you are doing it wrong. Have fun and don't take anything too seriously in the beginning.
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