Scratched Eye Not Fun...

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Jun 4, 2004
Anchorage, Alaska, USA.
I found out today that once you scratch an Eye, it's effect lasts a lifetime. In my sleep, I re-scratched it Sat. Hours at ER before they gave me numbing drops. Can't take those home. They said it'll burn then feel great. Yeah buddy. I have some new drops. Salve to use at bedtime. I had the original injury a dozen years ago. Every so often, sleep junk; dried proteins and salts, scratch the eye while sleeping... I'm just now getting past the bleary stage...
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I can sympathize big time... I walked into a pecan tree in my front yard about 4 years ago.. the end of a small limb went into my eye, between the eyeball and the lower eyelid. The stick broke off and was sticking out of my eye when I pulled it away... No blood, no puncture, but I did scratch the eyeball. Every so often that eye will get very sore and dry.. first thing in the mornings it hurts... so far (Knocking on green wood (side of the head)) no problem with the vision, other than as I'm getting older, my arms are getting shorter and shorter... guess I'll have to give up the vanity and look into reading glasses soon.
I feel for you, John, and hope the salve helps. When I was stationed at Elmendorf years ago, I got stupid with a circular saw. Cut a piece of plywood w/no eye protection. A piece of knot flew up and cut my cornea across the pupil. Had to waer a salved patch for nearly a month. Thankfully it healed okay and I only need glasses later after years of microscope and computer use. I've not done any woodworking w/o eye protection since.
Thanks for all the kind comments. The meds are working. That ointment is not fun. Wife says I'm worst than a 7 yr old...[:I]

Billy, the old Hospital is long gone. We have a USAF Medical Center accross from it in a Wood Land setting. Only 3 stories tall.
Elmendorf sure has changed, as has Anchorage...
Good and bad thing is the eye heals quickly, I say bad also cuz when I was a kid our family had a welding/machine shop and I got a piece of metal in my eye (well actually I have had lots, another story) well I didnt go right to er so when I finally went (I would say 12 hours later) the eye had grow over the top of the piece of metal and started to rust. Well of to the eye surgen who strapped me in a contraption and drilled on two side of metal then poped the piece out sanded and buffed the rust away and sent me on my not so marry way. It was on of those just a little this way and you would have lost your eyesite. Anyway besides the scar the eye doc comments about when I get my eye exam no lasting problems.
I know just what you mean, Got a face full or rust years ago and like Nolan had to have it ground off my eyeballs. I waited in the ER for a few hours before they got to me and by that time the eye had covered the particles. What a night, even with the numbing drops it hurt like hell while the doc was grinding away the rust particles. My arms hurt from clamping onto the table so I could hold still. Had to wear patches on both eyes for about three days. Just about broke both shins from walking into things. I got lucky there were no long term effects other than a reoccuring twinge when I see people working with out good eye protection on.
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