Saw Mill

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Jan 31, 2008
Oak Leaf, TX, USA.
I think this is the right place to put this post. However, it's also kind of a group buy. :redface:

If there are any folks in the southern portion of the Dallas area (Red Oak, Ovilla, Waxahachia, etc) that have fairly good size trees either down or about to be taken down from last week's snow storms - I've tracked down some interesting options.

First off, if you do not have the time, tools, or interest in taking care of the tree damage - I can get you in touch with a pretty inexpensive service to take care of that.

Secondly, if you have a desire to get the larger pieces (think about 2' or large in dia and at least 4' long) milled, I've tracked down a local saw mill service that will work with us. It is portable, but it might be better to go to him in terms of cost control. Also, he is willing to work for cash, portion of the lumber milled, or a combo.

So, if any of this is of interest to you - please PM me.

Also, if this is the wrong place for this post - I will happily move it.

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Hmm, Burleson may actually be closer than the one I found.

Does he work with folks in terms of trading some of the milled lumber for the saw mill service?

Also, is he mobile - or do I need to transport the logs (which isn't a problem).

Brian, I am not anywhere near you but wanted to say I really like the effort you are trying to get rolling here. Hope it takes off. As for location of the post. being it is a new idea it is most likely to get the best visibility right here where you have it. hope it stays here. I hate to hear that people are loosing trees but It is even worse to just let them go to waste.
I paid him $65 for an hour of mill time. Then he gave me a ton of additional stuff in addition to what I paid him to cut. Got some really nice wood out of the deal.
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