San Antonio

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Feb 5, 2004
Watson, Louisiana, USA.
Will be in the San Antonio area from the 20th to 25th. Are there any good woodworking places? Also, I would like to pick up some mesquite, lumber or turning blanks. Are there any local sawmills in the area?

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It has been about 20 years but there used to be a place called Alamo Hardwoods. They had local woods, imported and some I had never heard of. Reasonable prices and all kinds of sizes. They were located somewhere near downtown, I remember it was like being a little kid in a candy store.
If you are willing to drive 30 minutes north, I can hook you up with some mesquite turning stock for just the cost of the gas here and a visit to my shop! I am in San Marcos just off of I35 and easy to get to. I have about 3,000 BF of mesquite in log form and plenty of turning blanks, pen blanks, and even some lumber. Let me know if you are interested!
You can always check out the local wood craft. Nothing too special but they have some nice blanks on occasion. Worth a look if you're going by it. I haven't really been there in a while, but last time I got some nice looking ebony and acrylic.
Thanks for the replies, they are greatly appreciated. Did not know there was a local Woodcraft until I seen the post. I usually check the location of stores when I'm going on the road, but just forgot to do it this time. Since there are no such candy stores in Louisiana, I make it a habit to drop in one whenever I am near one, if for nothing else just to wish.

Again, thanks for the replies.
Curtis, sent you a PM.

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