Originally posted by Daniel
I saw an article in a magazine a couple of years ago. I think it was woodworking magazine but am not sure. they did a review of it. in the process of testing it they managed to blow 2 cartridges. one was with wood that was to wet, the other was while changing a blade. both blades where damaged.
they even mentioned that it was an expensive day of testing but also mentioned that the mistaeks caused them to be even more careful. they aslo wrote that they empoyed a few more steps in there work liek a moisture meter to the wood before sawing. by the way even with the stop if your finger or hand gets into the blade you are going to the ER. it si a matter of some stitches or a lsot finger, hand etc. I know a person that owned a business, one of his employees lost his hand in a table saw. he lost his business, not to mention the emotional roller coaster I saw him go through. I think even $150 would have been a good deal. Mandatory I do not agree with. I don't agree with seat belt laws either. people get trapped in accidents as often by them as they get saved by them. I had to enter a rolled vehicle to free a young child because she was trapped in one. I watched a pilot crash his plane. he survived the crash but died in the burning plane trapped in his belt. Again I had to free a young man that had t-boned anouther vehicle. the crash broke his wrist, and he could not release the belt, in his panic, pain and shock it never accoured to him to use his other hand. It tokk the occupents fo the second care over two minutes to finally get out of there car largely due to the confusion that a seat belt causes in the mind of an accident victim. Non of them where injured at all just shaken up. 2 minutes for it to finally sink in that you are strapped to your car. 5 minutes can mean the difference between life and death to an accident vistim, do you really want to risk nearly half that time to finally unhook a seat belt. yet a third accident that I was so close to that I nearly became a part fo it was a jeep that rear ended another vehicle. the driver of the car was thrown forward violently, Did you know your belt won't help in a rear end accident and you can still get thrown through the windshield, that it jammed her seat belt. it took me and two other people over 5 minutes to free her and she was seriously injured. All the accidents except the plane crash accourd at less than 25 M.P.H. one was under 10 M.P.H. and one was at a stand still. The seat belt in yet anouther accident I know of was directly linked to the death of a good friend of mine. the belt kept him isolated to the most damaged part of the vehicle, the drivers seat. actually it was the only part fo the vehicle that was damaged. the belt preventd him from being thrown to the passanger seat where he very likely would have survived the accident. and finally my most conmpelling story against set belts. a van with ten people in it roll 150 feet down a mountain side. 5 occupanst wearing seat belts 5 where not. the 5 without belts where thrown from the vehicle, suffered minor cuts and scrapes and all where able to walk away. the most sevious injury of those 5 was a cut to the scalp that required 4 stitches. of the 5 that remained strapped in the van. All had serious head injuries, one had a broken arm, and one had a broken back. all where trapped in the vehicle for over 30 minutes while recue crews cut them from the vehicle. Of the 5 without belts all went home that same day. of the 5 with belts they all stayed in the hospital from between 3 days and 4 weeks. This accident happened to my younger brothers gymnastics team. by the way the young man that suffered the broken arm. was well on his way to the olympics. the broken arm ended that dream as he was no longer able to preform movements like the iron cross. I don't think it is anyones business how anouther person deals with risk unless they are willing to accept the results of that decision. If I die due to wearing a seat belt that the law requires I wear, will that government then pay off my house, buy my wife and family a new car every few years, keep there bills payed, feed them and care for them as I would had there law not killed me? Certainly not but yet they still believe they have the right to tell me how to address the risk. I can only think of one accident to someone I know that I think the seat belt may have helped, at least it did not put the person at greater risk. my mother ran into the transmission that had fallen out of the car in fron of her on the freeway. the impact threw her car int o the median wall. She was able to walk away from it with some pain in one leg and a sore wrist. this is really not ment to be a rant. I simply do not believe what society seems to have accepted about what is safe and what is not. People choose to skydive, hang glide, and bungiee jump which are all far more dangerous than anything I have ever done. Nobody seems to think that is to much of a risk. In fact my mother decided to skydive for her 40th birthday. 2 years later, two inches shorted, and hundreds of thousands of dollars later she was finally able to take her first step. ever bumped your tail bone? hurts doens't it? she crushed hers into 13 pieces. was never supposed to walk again, and doctors wanted to preform surgery to sever her spine in order to stop intense pain. She endured the pain and today you would not know she had had an accident. so much for what those that know best know.