Sad day

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Jul 13, 2007
Martinsburg, WV, USA.
Cheyenne Francisco Shue left to meet up with Lakota at the Rainbow Bridge this evening. She came to live with us 4 years ago and lived to the age of 13 and 8 months. She was a great pup and we wish we had adopted her sooner, so that we could have spent more time with her. She was a Sweet Sweet Chy.


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I'm sorry for your loss Mike. Siberians are my most favorite pet. I am in the process of trying to "rescue" a beautiful female that is only 2-3 years old. LOML needs to give me the thumbs up and she is ours.
I am so sorry for your loss. My shop partner Bandit is a Siberian Husky. He's gettin gup there too. He is slow to go right now and I am not sure how much longer we will have him. He's pushing 15. Best partner I have had.
Sorry for your loss. I lost my wolf earlier in the year and MBF keeps wanting to bring a lap dog home. Ain't ready yet.
Mike, I know some don't understand the relationships we have with our furry friends, those of us that think of them as a part of the family feel you grief. Those that have visited me know my shop buddy Tony the Corgi our late life child.
Mike, I sorry to hear about your loss, I know I love my dogs and spoil them to death. The schnauzer that I have is actually my ears and very protective of me. In most cases because of him I know someone is at he door since I can not hear that well. he follows me everywhere. I know when you lose a companion like that you really hurt. So, be strong my friend and hang in there.
Its just such a tight knot feeling in the gut when we lose a pet long friend such as a dog. I've lost Major, my 10 years old mate Grate-Dane X, over 2 years ago and I still thing of him frequently, even tough we got 2 other dogs (Maltese and German shorthaired Pointer, both male and both 2 years old when we adopted them, a month after Major died from surgery to attempt giving him some extra time after we find out that he was full of cancers inside him...!:frown:

I have never found in my life any humans that could get even close to the unconditional, friendship, dedication and trust a pet dog is capable of, asking for nothing in return...!

So yes, I can feel your pain...!

Mike I am very sorry to hear about your loss, I understand the bond between a dog and man. It is a hard thing to go through because they become such a tremendous part of the family.
Thanks everyone.

Cheyenne was a great girl and loved life in her pack. When we adopted her we were told by the previous family that she preferred to be outdoors. After coming to live with us, she only went outside to take care of business, she wanted to be inside with the family and her pack.

We lost Lakota over three years ago and even though she had know him for less than half a year, she was the most effected by his passing. She just bonded with him so easily as they had very similar personalities.

It was just her time though as she was her normal self when I woke up. By 1 o'clock we knew something was up, as she was having trouble getting to her feet. We sat with her on the couch and got a message to our vet who agreed to meet us after hours despite their policy of referring people to an emergency clinic. She passed away about 5 minutes after we got her to his office, before he could really do anything. As he said, She wanted to go out on her own terms. She was always very independent like that.

We love her and we'll miss her.
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