Rocky Bemis

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Jun 20, 2016
Carlsbad, CA
It is with great sadness that I share that Rocky Bemis has passed. The cancer finally got him.

He has been an amazing source of cheer and Buckeye burl for the 8 years I've known him. I once talked to him about his cancer and worried about his health. He said don't worry about me I'll be with the Lord.

Rocky has moved on to a better place and he will be missed.
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That's sad news. I enjoyed the few interactions I had with Rocky, and I'm glad he had his faith as comfort during the illness. I'll think of him while turning the rest of my redwood burl stash that he provided.
Not familiar with Rocky but the members have shown a lot of respect for him and his abundant faith.
St. Paul: Absent from the body, present with the Lord.
This is horribly sad news. I can certainly be counted among his wood buddies like Duncan (duncsuss) that will think of him fondly whenever I turn one of the wonderful Redwood Burl blanks that came from Rocky. My deepest sympathy goes to Rocky (junior) and the rest of RockB's family.

David Lange
Sad news. I didn't know him personally in any way, but I bought a fair amount of blanks from him. RIP Rocky Bemis.
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