Revolver pen blank

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Mar 15, 2017
Cleveland, TN
I got my act together, finished a segmented blank and assembled the pen. Arrrgggh! It seems that I trimmed a smidgen too much off the blank. The refill sticks out enough to write on paper! I could put something between the nib and blank or between the blank and the click mechanism. In hindsight, one should check the OAL before turning and assembly. Your suggestions are most welcome.
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Does it use a Schmidt SKM-88 or SKM-192 click mechanism? Although I've never tried it, they look like a little bit could be sanded off the bottom of the mechanism without causing any problems. - Dave
Gary, will check on disassembling.
Dave, have no idea on the click mechanism. Everything fits but as mentioned, the end of the refill sticks out enough that I can write with it. I either need to put a spacer of some sort between the nib or the upper part.
I disassembled the pen, both top and nib. However, I can't add to the blank as there are two threaded inserts pressed into the blank. Only thing is to add some sort of spacer at either end. Problem is to have it match the diameter of the blank and parts.
I thought of sandwiching two pieces of HDPE I have and putting something between them and turning it to diameter. This would be either "exposed" to the end of the top section or the end of the nib. Thought of craft foam but wouldn't be durable. Acrylic? Suggestions on material? Pen is matte black; blank is segmented with unknown wood.
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