Results from differnt set-ups

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May 10, 2011
Faith SD
Like many on here, I've been trying to get better photos of my pens. I use a stand and light box with a three light setup. Two lights shine from the side and one from the top. This dramatically impoved my photos but I was real happy with hue or tint so I started experimenting with differnt bulbs to see what that would do. Here are some photos showing the results.

This was shot with a point and shoot camera under the curly-que energy saver bulbs.

I felt this had a yellow tinge to it.

Here is the same pen with "daylight" bulbs
I thought this one had a rose tinge to it.

Lastly, here is the same pen using Brooks803 method of photoing a pen. No light other than what is provided by the flash.
It should be noted that this was shot with a differnt camera than the first two. The point and shoot I used in the first two didn't have a big enough flash to provide enough light.
Tru-Cheddar 3.JPG
This is the truest representation of the colors in the pen and backround.

Thought others might find it useful.
Does your point-and-shoot have a white balance setting? I'd be curious to see the first two with the white balance set.

Basically, I think what you're seeing is a white balance problem. The one with the flash has the correct balance because the camera "knows" the white balance required for its own flash.
Does your point-and-shoot have a white balance setting? I'd be curious to see the first two with the white balance set.

Basically, I think what you're seeing is a white balance problem. The one with the flash has the correct balance because the camera "knows" the white balance required for its own flash.

I honestly couldn't tell you. I'll have to consult the manual. If that's the case, does that mean the type of light bulb used in my 3 light set-up wouldn't have much of an effect if the white balance was correct?
If that's the case, does that mean the type of light bulb used in my 3 light set-up wouldn't have much of an effect if the white balance was correct?

Yes -- in theory, anyway. I think if you take them with the correct balance, the background and overall effect will be the same.

Ideally, the pen color and details would also be the same... but I wonder if they really will be. Please let us know the results if you experiment.
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