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Jun 26, 2007
We were on the verge of filing bankruptcy and needed to sell our truck since it was dragging us down. I listed it yesterday and received 50 or more responses on it and they are still coming. Well, a guy just came and looked at it and handed me a check. We even got what we were asking.
That is a HUGE relief. We still aren't in the best shape, but it is a nice load off.
Thanks for letting me rant, but I had to tell somebody.
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Sorry about your situation, but congratulations on the sale. Maybe this is a sign that things are going to turn around for you.
I'm sorry to hear of your situation. I lost three neighbors over the past year. They just could not afford to stay in their homes. The buildings have been vacant ever since.

I hope the sale gets things started for you...
Good to hear about the truck. I had to go banko a few years ago it sucked... But great when it was over after 9 months because I owed nobody a cent in the world.
I live in the auto capitol of Canada. Directly across from the motor city detriot mi.Peoples lives really are in bad shape here especially since each auto worker layoff accounts for 7 feeder plant jobs.
It's crazy to see that the auto issues have caused terrible problems all over north America.

Good luck to you.
That is good news about getting a quick sale, my brother went through a real nasty divorce and he had no option other than to file for bankruptcy, he was glad he did as it removed a lot of pressure from his shoulders. Keep your chin up my friend!
My son is going through the same thing right now and in the process of moving out of their dream house. Someone should shoot those greedy bankers who allowed people like my son and daughter in law to be able to buy a home when they definitely could not afford it but came up with gimmicks that put this country into a terrible financial state.

Good luck, and hopefully, you will see a light at the tunnel and it won't be a train, but a new and better life ahead!

Rick (mtgrizzly52)
My son is going through the same thing right now and in the process of moving out of their dream house. Someone should shoot those greedy bankers who allowed people like my son and daughter in law to be able to buy a home when they definitely could not afford it but came up with gimmicks that put this country into a terrible financial state.

Good luck, and hopefully, you will see a light at the tunnel and it won't be a train, but a new and better life ahead!

Rick (mtgrizzly52)

The politicians had a hand in this mess also when they forced the banks to provide mortgages to people who couldn't afford them. So there is enough blame to go around.
But the ultimate blame goes to the people who will not or can not live within their means.
Glad to hear that you had some relief from a financial burden. Things like this are always welcome! Here is hoping that more good things come your way!
Dozer, congrats on the sale. Remember that just because one door has closed, does not mean that another has not opened for you to walk through and start a new part of your life.

My son is going through the same thing right now and in the process of moving out of their dream house. Someone should shoot those greedy bankers who allowed people like my son and daughter in law to be able to buy a home when they definitely could not afford it but came up with gimmicks that put this country into a terrible financial state.

Good luck, and hopefully, you will see a light at the tunnel and it won't be a train, but a new and better life ahead!

Rick (mtgrizzly52)

This is the problem with America nowadays :mad:. It's not your sons fault, it's the bankers fault because your son took out a loan he couldn't cover. No one accepts personal responsibility for things anymore.

It's just like everything else in life. You have to know your own personal boundaries. Just because you can eat 50 hot dogs in one setting doesn't mean you should. Getting a loan for more than you can afford is the same thing. When I bought my house they approved me for over 3x the amount I could afford. Just because they approved me for that amount did not mean that I had to buy a house for that amount. I purchased a house with a payment that fit within my budget.

Anyway...enough of a rant...
Well I agree that may be the case or it may not be, who are we to judge what somebody does with their finances? His son may have had a great job as well as the wife had cash put aside for emergencies and was living with in his means. There may have been a problem he could not for see with the company he was working for. This could have been Lehman Bros or Inron for all we know! Im sorry to see anyone go through hard times yet alone toss rocks at something we know nothing about!!! I hope he finds stability and all the help he needs to get on his feet!!!
Glad you managed to unload. Hope you make it w/o going through bankruptcy. If you need help, let us know. For now, I will be praying for you because I know how it is.

Two years ago I was close to going bankrupt myself. I did try to stay afloat, did a lot of shuffling with my finances and sold a lot of my stuff. Most people in my situation probably would have filed a lot earlier but I stuck with it and clawed my way up. I still am in debt but we are breathing better now and actually starting to pay off our loans slowly but surely.

IAP helped me in more ways than one. Buying my stuff, looking for jobs, preparing my resume, etc. It is amazing how people suddenly started sending me job leads even though we never really corresponded much prior.

Talking about it at times can be embarrassing but really helps. If you need to vent out...we are here.
Well I agree that may be the case or it may not be, who are we to judge what somebody does with their finances? His son may have had a great job as well as the wife had cash put aside for emergencies and was living with in his means. There may have been a problem he could not for see with the company he was working for. This could have been Lehman Bros or Inron (Enron) for all we know! Im sorry to see anyone go through hard times yet alone toss rocks at something we know nothing about!!! I hope he finds stability and all the help he needs to get on his feet!!!

well stated, IMO!!:biggrin::biggrin:
Well I agree that may be the case or it may not be, who are we to judge what somebody does with their finances? His son may have had a great job as well as the wife had cash put aside for emergencies and was living with in his means. There may have been a problem he could not for see with the company he was working for. This could have been Lehman Bros or Inron for all we know! Im sorry to see anyone go through hard times yet alone toss rocks at something we know nothing about!!! I hope he finds stability and all the help he needs to get on his feet!!!

Well according to his statement it was and I quote "those greedy bankers who allowed people like my son and daughter in law to be able to buy a home when they definitely could not afford it but came up with gimmicks".

His statement of fact leads me to believe that not being able to afford the home was a pre-existing condition before they even took out a home loan.....thus my statement which is not tossing rocks, but simple analysis from someone who's been there and done that.

I filed for bankruptcy at the ripe old age of 23. I lived the high life in college and ended up with about 25,000 in credit card debt. I thought that would be ok because I was going to get a high paying job right out of college that would take care of my credit card payments. When I did graduate, no one wanted someone with an impressive education, they wanted someone who had the education along with practical job experience.

I ended up taking a part time job in my chosen field and also worked at a hardware store part time. I had no health benefits or retirement plan. One day leaving my job I slipped down some stairs on a patch of ice. I hurt my back and couldn't work for over a month. My bills started getting behind. This was also about 6 months after graduating, when my student loans start coming due.

That combined with my credit card payments totaling over $1000 a month was more than I was bringing in at the time after figuring in rent, food etc....

I could have blamed the credit card companies for predatory lending quite easily, but my whole point is that I was the one that made the choice to spend the money in the first place. No one forced me into accepting that 15k platinum visa that I ran up the debt on, or the mastercard, or the discover card, just like no one forced his son into taking a loan he couldn't afford.

It was one of the lowest points in my life, and I really sometimes thought I was never going to amount to anything. But never once did I blame anyone else but myself. I think that because of that I am a much stronger person.
Justin I was almost the exact same boat as you and as you said was the lowest point in my life and a real kick in the pide as well. I remember how "low" I felt and from that. I try not cast stones about that, you just never know the reasons people do things. Yea I was young and dumb then, now I have changed to old and not quite as gullible...LOL. We all make mistakes but if it dosen't kill us it makes us stronger that is for sure.
Congards on selling the truck. With all the calls and offers you may have priced it to low.

This is the problem with America nowadays :mad:. It's not your sons fault, it's the bankers fault because your son took out a loan he couldn't cover. No one accepts personal responsibility for things anymore.

It's just like everything else in life. You have to know your own personal boundaries. Just because you can eat 50 hot dogs in one setting doesn't mean you should. Getting a loan for more than you can afford is the same thing. When I bought my house they approved me for over 3x the amount I could afford. Just because they approved me for that amount did not mean that I had to buy a house for that amount. I purchased a house with a payment that fit within my budget.

Anyway...enough of a rant...

I agree that people need to have a clue what they can afford. It's call "Personal Responsibility" or "Personal Accountability". I know people that have bought homes in the past few years and most knew at the time that it was more then the could afford. I feel no sorrow or pitty for the ones that lost there homes. It was there personal choice. People that were making ends meat and paying all there bills but lost thier jobs, then lost their home I feel sorry for.
I was personally almost 30k in debt with nothing to show for it. I did not have a house or a car. I did not claim bankruptcy. I had good people around me for support and I was able to pay it all off. It took years but I got it done. I know people that went bankrupt for under 6k. To me that is just taking advantage of the system. I am glad they changed the rules for bankruptcy.
I had a great since of pride knowing that I paid all my debt off. I did not cause all of it. I helped people out putting myself in debt for them and I got taken advantage of for some of the debt. I took the risk on people and got burned more then once. But I can say all my debts got paid.
Thanks evryone for the support. I think we may be ok for a little while if we shift some stuff around. We are looking into it.
I know I had the truck priced too low, in fact the blue book on it was $7,500 more than I sold it for, but I wasn't going to be greedy. I just wanted it paid off and to get out from under it.
If things were now, the way they were when we bought it, I would keep it, but everything around here went in the crapper and I was lucky enough to get a job making a third of what I was making. We are just going to keep it very simple now. Loosing my house is NOT an option, they can shut all the utilities off, but they can't have my house.

Thanks again!
There seems to be a lot of false expectation about the "improving economy" going on. In the four miles from my home to the Interstate I travel there are three small strip malls each with eight or so storefronts. In the past year all of them have nearly been vacated. One completely empty, one with one business still operating, and one with two businesses still operating. That does not even include a couple of other strip malls that are in some state of construction limbo. Small business is still being crushed in this country. People need to wake up and realize what is going on.

My SIL, a very consciencious and conservative person with financial matters, was confronted with a 30% pay cut earlier this year. He is one of the top five or six paid employees in a small fiber optics company and is a bonifide expert in the field. The company had to either cut pay or employees. If they cut employees it would have gone so deep that they could not continued due to the loss of expertise. Even though they lived within their means that pay cut nearly devastated them. I can't even tell you the emotional impact it has had on the SIL. Fortunately we have been able to help them.

Not all of the prolems that are happening to common everyday hardworking folks are their own fault. This country has a long way to go before there is light at the other end of the tunnel.
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