Re-Naimg A Thread

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Nov 11, 2009
Provo, Utah
As per Mesquites request about adding closed to all closed classifieds adds names, i have been trying to go back through my threads and add that to them... Heres my problem...

1. I go into the thread and hit "edit" at the bottom of post #1

2. i have to hit "go advanced" to be able to see where to change the Title

3. I add CLOSED to the start and end of the title, hit save

4 when i go to the main classifieds forum, it didn't add the words onto the main title but just the small description under the title when you actually enter the thread.

So is it supposed to add it to the title or just the smaller description? Am i doing something wrong, because have got it to work like 2% of the time...
Please re-read the directions! You don't edit the title, you edit the body of the post itself and add Closed to the beginning of your decription.
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