Raffle Update

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Activities Manager Emeritus
Mar 18, 2004
Montgomery, Pennsylvania, USA.
OK, here is the September 9th update.
I think I got it right this time.

Amount raised as of 7:55 PM Forum Time is $1375.00

That means if we raise $126.00 more, the bonus prizes will kick in!! I also have pledges for one or two more prizes. Once I receive the photos, I will post them.

Check here for the list of donors: http://www.penturners.org/forum/showthread.php?t=50805&page=9
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Pretty good!:biggrin: Although the more people who enter, the worse the odds of me winning become:eek:, But that's OK. It is for a great cause. I have gotten a great deal from this site.

There are 8214 members of IAP. My quick count of the entries is 57. That means 8157 members have not participated. If only 1% of those individuals could find $5.00 to enter, that would be another $408 for IAP. If you can (and I know times are tough) please help to keep the site alive.
So Mike, you pimping for Cav now?:confused::biggrin::tongue: Come on folks, bitshird is chomping at the bits to slut up a Woodchuck just for you.:eek: $126.00 puts the old man to work!!:wink:
So Mike, you pimping for Cav now?:confused::biggrin::tongue: Come on folks, bitshird is chomping at the bits to slut up a Woodchuck just for you.:eek: $126.00 puts the old man to work!!:wink:

Oh heck yea! He is a good, hardworking ho nest man who is really doing a fantastic job running this raffle. :biggrin: He and IAP deserve the support of everyone who has benefited from this site. :wink: A big THANK YOU to Cav and all the prize donors. :biggrin:
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