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Apr 14, 2005
Austin, TX, USA.
Remember Aritha Franklin? [}:)]

We seem to need to be reminded that we need to respect what others do, use, make, say, etc...as long as they are not harming anyone.

We need to stop pushing down someones throat what we think is right. It is possible that we are wrong and they are right AND even if they are wrong...that is their prerogative/choice.

Finish/no finish
Segmented/plain solid wood

Let us learn to accept their choice and stop belittling others.

I know I am guilty of it myself...sometimes :D For those, please accept my apologies.
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Hey, I would rather listen to Donna Summers than Aretha Franklin! Why are you pushing Aretha on all the rest of us??

Seriously, excellent post, Dario; I hope many of us read it and take it to heart.
So much for spirited debate.
OK from now on all ice cream other than vanilla will be banned from this earth.
There see what a lovely world it is now?[:D]
I agree too Dario, but I must have been asleep at the wheel again and missed the bad tempered moods. Of course, they may have hit me between the eyes and I was too thick headed to see them.[B)]
Originally posted by Skye
<br />I demand respect for Bryers Coffee ice cream!
Which part ofVanilla don't you understand?No other opinions, no other choices.
I selected vanilla because it is non offensive.
They don't make an ice cream that tastes like water, even if they did, its vanilla!
Originally posted by ctEaglesc
<br />So much for spirited debate.
OK from now on all ice cream other than vanilla will be banned from this earth.
There see what a lovely world it is now?[:D]

Exactly the opposite.

We can have as much flavor we want....just don't tell me/others what flavor I/we should eat. [;)]
Originally posted by ilikewood
<br />How can we just have Vanilla??????
<br />

Becasue.That is what Dario wants.
Only vanilla and there is no debate.
It will be boring but that why I chose vanilla.
Originally posted by wdcav1952
<br />Hey, I would rather listen to Donna Summers than Aretha Franklin! Why are you pushing Aretha on all the rest of us??

Seriously, excellent post, Dario; I hope many of us read it and take it to heart.

The heck with Donna & Aretha I say.

For me...I'll put on the black album and crank up,

Originally posted by ctEaglesc
<br />
Originally posted by ilikewood
<br />How can we just have Vanilla??????
<br />

Becasue.That is what Dario wants.
Only vanilla and there is no debate.
It will be boring but that why I chose vanilla.

Also because your tutorial is buried so deep no one can find it unless they knew it was on the "articles" page back in the days when we only had one page of articles and the first one was the corn cob I think.
Originally posted by ctEaglesc
Becasue.That is what Dario wants.
Only vanilla and there is no debate.
It will be boring but that why I chose vanilla.

Are you serious??? [?]

If so, you totally missed my point...
Originally posted by ctEaglesc
<br />So much for spirited debate.
Debate or debating is a formal method of interactive and position representational argument. Debate is a broader form of argument than logical argument, since it includes persuasion which appeals to the emotional responses of an audience, and rules enabling people to discuss and decide on differences, within a framework defining how they will interact.
Even in spirited debating, you don't attack the person for their belief. That's called argumentum ad hominem. That's just one of the logical fallacies that causes spirited debate to become useless argument.

If you really want to have spirited debate, learn and use the rules of logic. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_fallacy

Note that none of these rules includes "because I said so" , "any other way would be ridiculous" or "so's your mother".
Is this a great place or what? Dario, you done good.

Vanilla is ok, but it's gotta be Blue Bell brand, made with milk from contented cows that live in Texas. That left coast ice cream just isn't as good.

txbob [8D]
Dario, as any soul fan would know, its Reetha.

I don't think you are saying that you don't want debates. What I am hearing from you is that you don't want attacking dialogue.

Am I reading you wrong?

And No Coffee ice cream!!! That's just evil.[}:)]
gerry and bob, you are both wrong. Texas Milk? Doesn't that come out of the cow curdled? Take it from a cheesehead. Wisconsin milk is what is needed. In the winter is come out of the cow as ice cream.
Originally posted by kent4Him
<br />Dario, as any soul fan would know, its Reetha.

I don't think you are saying that you don't want debates. What I am hearing from you is that you don't want attacking dialogue.

Am I reading you wrong?

And No Coffee ice cream!!! That's just evil.[}:)]


Debates are good...what I don't want is forcing others basically saying "MY WAY IS THE ONLY WAY" kind of thing.

In short...FREEDOM OF CHOICE [;)] without being judged, belittled, etc.
Way to stick up for us. I'm in complete agreement with Lou, except that my hominym grits don't argue or do addition.[:D] Don't worry about Eagle, he's sharp as a tack, but he likes his grits hot and spicey. I hope everyone can follow my wiseacre sense of humor. I never claimed to be witty, but I do try.

Thanks for fixing the smiley placement. I love it.

You made a good post and in some respects I agree with you. We should have respect for the person making the post, but not necessarily for his/her idea. People should never be attacked. There should be no place for that here.

However, when it comes to opinions about tools, technique, etc., we need to grow thicker skin. So what if someone says that their way is the only way or that my idea is wrong. Why should I be offended by that or let it bother me? Heck, maybe my idea is wrong. If nothing else, I can choose not to believe what they have shared.

Keep in mind that the written word does not capture tone very well, so don't try to read any into a post. Read the words at face value. Accept them, reject them or ponder them, but don't get upset over them.

Life is too short.

Originally posted by pete00
<br />Dario
good words....

Man if i could only bring this group to my therapy sessions and write a book, id be rich.......[:D][:D][:D]
About those sessions...
Are you runnnig them or attending them?[^]
Originally posted by BigRob777
<br />Dario,
Way to stick up for us. I'm in complete agreement with Lou, except that my hominym grits don't argue or do addition.[:D] Don't worry about Eagle, he's sharp as a tack, but he likes his grits hot and spicey. I hope everyone can follow my wiseacre sense of humor. I never claimed to be witty, but I do try.

Thanks for fixing the smiley placement. I love it.
I hate grits.
There is absolutely no nutriional reason to eat grits.
It is corn soaked in lye that is ground up into a meal.
Also known as hominy.
Think about what happens after you eat corn on the cob.
Heck your digestive system cannot even process it.
What do you think it does to you AFTER it has been soaked in lye?
AS far as spicy foods they do like me.
There I feel better now.
Originally posted by ctEaglesc
<br />
Originally posted by BigRob777
<br />Dario,
Way to stick up for us. I'm in complete agreement with Lou, except that my hominym grits don't argue or do addition.[:D] Don't worry about Eagle, he's sharp as a tack, but he likes his grits hot and spicey. I hope everyone can follow my wiseacre sense of humor. I never claimed to be witty, but I do try.

Thanks for fixing the smiley placement. I love it.
I hate grits.
There is absolutely no nutriional reason to eat grits.
It is corn soaked in lye that is ground up into a meal.
Also known as hominy.
Think about what happens after you eat corn on the cob.
Heck your digestive system cannot even process it.
What do you think it does to you AFTER it has been soaked in lye?
AS far as spicy foods they do like me.
There I feel better now.

Might have know a Connecticut Yankee would cause problems in any court! [:D] Any proud Southerner knows that hominy is the slow cooked kernels served in their own "gravy". It is delicious! Grits, or as the people of South Carolina call the dish, hominy grits, is the ground up hominy corn slow cooked into the spectacular side dish that makes breakfast special. Now if all you have tried is the "instant" tasteless white grits imitation, you can be forgiven for your mistaken impressions.

Before we start down the slippery slope of damage to the system, remember we ALL live in glass houses on that subject! [:D][:D][:D]

OK, Dario, hit us again with the peacemaker post! [8D]
I totally agree with you Dario. You made a great point. As a matter of fact, how many times do we read someone saying something like "it's just how I do it .... I'm certain you'll hear lots of other ideas for doing it some other way." It almost sounds like we're apologizing and we shouldn't.
So, to operationalize what you're trying to say, when somebody gives their opinion, go ahead and respond to the opinion in a respectful manner without treating the person in a demeaning manner. Right?
All you ice cream brand name callers are LOONY; not to mention WRONG!!!!! If it ain't homemade, it ain't worth eatin'. [}:)][;)]

Oh my... I think I just broke the premise of this post. [:I][:0]

Sorry, Dario, I just couldn't help myself. One can still have a different opinion and respect others. But we are all human and there will always be those who choose to get or be offended by anything. JMO [;)]
Originally posted by ctEaglesc
Also because your tutorial is buried so deep no one can find it unless they knew it was on the "articles" page back in the days when we only had one page of articles and the first one was the corn cob I think.
Go to the search page, select "The Library" in the "Search Forum" drop down and put ice cream in the search box and the topic comes up with the words "ice cream" highlighted.

I know it ain't perfect, but right now it works.

One complaint per day about the search function is your limit, and this make number three! You owe me two days of no griping about how crappy the search function is. [:D]
Originally posted by wdcav1952
<br />

Might have know a Connecticut Yankee would cause problems in any court!

Careful what you say or I'll drive to Pensy and kick you in the shin! [}:)]

I'm a Yankee and proud of it! Remember, we won the war! [:(!]
Originally posted by jeff
<br />
Originally posted by ctEaglesc
Also because your tutorial is buried so deep no one can find it unless they knew it was on the "articles" page back in the days when we only had one page of articles and the first one was the corn cob I think.
Go to the search page, select "The Library" in the "Search Forum" drop down and put ice cream in the search box and the topic comes up with the words "ice cream" highlighted.

I know it ain't perfect, but right now it works.

One complaint per day about the search function is your limit, and this make number three! You owe me two days of no griping about how crappy the search function is. [:D]
Where were the other two?
Don't you count how many times I <b>compliment</b> you on how great the search function is?
Maybe that is the problem.
It works so good that when I can't find something I get frustrated.
My comment about Bills article was meant tongue in cheek!I could have said the same thing about Russes site on the home page, best kept IAP secret.
Ligten up Jeff![:D]
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Originally posted by alamocdc
<br />All you ice cream brand name callers are LOONY; not to mention WRONG!!!!! If it ain't homemade, it ain't worth eatin'. [}:)][;)]

Oh my... I think I just broke the premise of this post. [:I][:0]

Sorry, Dario, I just couldn't help myself. One can still have a different opinion and respect others. But we are all human and there will always be those who choose to get or be offended by anything. JMO [;)]

We make 3 freezers of ice cream for the 4th of July each year. We'd make it more, but I can't figure out how to hook the crank up to my lathe. White Mountain baby!
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