Quick Reference of Popular Topics

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Staff member
Dec 5, 2003
Westlake, OH, USA.
I've seen a lot of questions lately like this:

Other popular ones, like "how do I do a CA finish", "how do I turn between centers", etc. appear all the time. Usually this causes the "ask versus search" debate, which is an entirely separate topic from what I want to propose.

What if we were to put together a topic which would be something like "The top 5 answers to the top 25 questions"? This would be a list of links to the best 5 answers, articles, suppliers, etc. for a particular topic. That would provide a great start for someone who has a question. I know that the "best" answers are subjective, but let's give people a leg up on learning something they don't know. It's not a substitute for asking questions or searching, but it's a jumping off point for learning. It would be much nicer to

"How do I" Subjects could include:</u>
Make a pen
Turn between centers
Apply a CA finish
Turn a closed-end pen
Cast my own blanks
Sharpen my tools
Sell my pens

I'd want to include:</u>
Informative topics at penturners.org
Articles at penturners.org
A good supplier if applicable (e.g. for specialized tooling)
Articles or web sites elsewhere on the web (prefer IAP sources)
Good books, and or DVDs on the subject

We need someone to coordinate this. I'd like someone who has been around a while, knows where stuff is at the site, understands how search works (despite its limitations) and who can take a little criticism without getting bent out of shape (I mention that last point because no matter how great a job you do, someone will gripe at you.)

No pay, no benefits, no retirement plan, just the eternal gratitude of pen makers everywhere.

Good idea? Dumb idea?
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I think it's a great idea. When I was a noobie, I used the search quite alot but the recent posting was quite valuable too. I am always referring back to the site for more information or a refresher and it'll be great to have a spot where I can just click and get to the information I need instead of using the search option.
Sounds perfect. Would save a lot of time for the new turners from having to search.

I'm sure we would still get these questions, but then it's just an easy, "Read the stickey 'Top 5 answers.'"

I'd be willing to assist since I don't fit the 'been around for a while' mold, but I do usually get good search results if I know what I'm looking for.
Is there any way you can make the link to this as a sticky under the different forums that it relates to - such as 'Penturning,' 'Finishes,' 'Casting and Stabilization', etc.

This will certainly be redundant but it will also be at the top of each forum for new people to find quickly without having to ask.
I think it's a good idea as long as you stick to your 25 questions limit. I can see it getting out of hand without that. Would the same 25 questions remain forever or will there be some sort of time limit? Perhaps a yearly group vote on content?
I do believe you are onto something. I would be happy to assist with testing and such, but fear I have too little knowledge and a bit too much sarcasm in me to deal with the entire project;).

I assume you have page view/hit counters for the various posts, yes? If so, that would seem to be the best way to decide on the "keepers" when reviewing...the "top 10" or so would be retained, the others dropped or shuffled, fwiw.

If using Hank's suggestion of a sticky in each forum, you could limit to 5 or so in each area, not quite as daunting a read as top 25...even though the same as 5 top 5's.
I think it's a great idea! I agree with Rick that you should limit the size or you will be back to the same dilemma - people asking the question rather than looking for the answer.
Originally posted by leehljp

Is there any way you can make the link to this as a sticky under the different forums that it relates to - such as 'Penturning,' 'Finishes,' 'Casting and Stabilization', etc.

This will certainly be redundant but it will also be at the top of each forum for new people to find quickly without having to ask.
I was planning on only one, not one for each forum. I don't think we have enough volunteers to make that many. Eventually, the wiki (yes, that idea is not dead!) will be the one stop source for info, but this would be a good start.
Originally posted by jeff

We need someone to coordinate this. I'd like someone who has been around a while, knows where stuff is at the site, understands how search works (despite its limitations) and who can take a little criticism without getting bent out of shape (I mention that last point because no matter how great a job you do, someone will gripe at you.)

Sounds like a job that Randy_ would fit right into. He did a fine job on the index, seems to be able to put his finger on information quickly and seems to have very good organizational skills. Only question is will he accept?

If there was a nomination process he would be the one that I would nominate.
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