Quake Shake (Japan)

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Feb 6, 2005
Tunica, Mississippi,
We had a 6.6 quake (early report) this morning about 100 miles from where I live and had things fall from shelves. We haven't had things fall from shelves since the 1995 Kobe quake.

The epicenter was a lot closer to Chris (Chriselle).
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Glad you are ok. I HATE earthquakes. I was in the San Fernando quake in early 70's, Got hit in Alaska a couple of years ago on business, and again in Mexico earlier this year.

When the World Series quake hit the Bay Area, I was watching on tv and got sick to my stomach....did I mention I HATE quakes?

Glad you are well. Hope Chris reports in soon.

Earthquakes, tornadoes, and snakes. The three scariest things in the world. We thought we would be out of reach of at least one of those when we moved to the DFW area. But with all the gas drilling going on around us, we may be prime candidates for earthquakes now. Three out of three ain't good!
Hey Hank,

There was a report on the news, five minute version.

Did you know that there is a 70% probability of a "7" quake in Tokyo in the next five years??? "They" don't feel Tokyo is ready.

(I have no idea who this elusive "they" are!!)
Is anyone ever ready for that???!!! Man, if we ever get quakes we can feel here in WI... thats when everyone better start to worry :)
Is anyone ever ready for that???!!! Man, if we ever get quakes we can feel here in WI... thats when everyone better start to worry :)

If the New Madrid fault ever shifts like they say it will you will feel a good one, supposedly the shift will be felt for nearly a thousand miles, I was in the 1972 Northridge quake near L.A. I don't want to see another one. we lived 80 miles away still knocked over two large aquariums.
If the New Madrid fault ever shifts like they say it will you will feel a good one, supposedly the shift will be felt for nearly a thousand miles, I was in the 1972 Northridge quake near L.A. I don't want to see another one. we lived 80 miles away still knocked over two large aquariums.

I was in the Osaka area about 35 miles from the epicenter of the 1995 Kobe 7.0 quake that killed 6000. 5:40 AM. I had the presence of mind to immediately call family back home and get them to spread the word that I was OK. Then called our organization in Tokyo to get some help in the area. Within a few minutes phone calls in and out stopped for several days.

This quake today cut the main expressway between Nagoya and Tokyo. There is a second expressway but it goes way out of the way. It is going to take a number of months to get the current expressway fixed. The road was on the side of a hill and the hill collapsed from beneath one lane of the expressway. It is going to have to be re-engineered, not just fixed up.

An INTERESTING fact - the speed of earthquake waves: Within a week after the Kobe quake, the National TV service (NHK) set up a camera overlooking Kobe and broadcast a shot like some of todays web cams. This station gave daily information on after shocks, verbal brief news and other, but always gave a web cam like shot. Several time I watched it as an after shock hit, it would shake, I would see it on our TV some 35 miles away and then count 1, 2 and before I could say 3, I would feel the after shock. Shockwaves of the quakes covered 35 miles in about 2 seconds. I don't know the actual speed, but it was strange seeing a shaking video and then about 2 seconds later feel the event.

I sent off an email to Chriselle (Chris) and haven't heard from him. He was much closer to this than I was.
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Over the last few years here in central Oklahoma we've had what I guess are mini quakes that are reported on TV but I've yet to feel any...........................................................now tornados and snakes:frown:.
Hank glad all's well with you and your family.
I sure hope Chris is OK...........Thanks for letting us know your good, Hank.

We live oh so close to the San Andreas fault. In the early seventies we had a 6.9 or 7.3 ( my memory :befuddled:) Earth quakes are scary as is any ultimate natural disaster but we don't have any high rises in our area so, I guess, they don't bother us as much. The most damage we had in that quake was our new county building (2 story) cracked all up and a piece of hiway moved diagonally about 3 feet. There were other things but nothing serious.
The news also reported on a typhoon that has been in the area for the last four days, so phone lines and computer connections could be a problem for Chris.
Man, glad to see you're safe! You have a good insurance policy ;)

I used to live nearly on top of the big fault line that runs through the lowcountry of SC. I never felt anything but there was stuff about once a quarter on the News talking about tremors and stuff. It's been a while since Charleston has had a big quake.. creepy long while....
... Earthquakes, tornadoes, and snakes. The three scariest things in the world ...

Rudy, I would add spiders and volcanos to your list. I lived in St. Johns, Antiqua, West Indies for a few months and we were just 26 miles north of Monsorat when it blew it's lid a few years back. Everything was covered with a dust that was very similar to dried toothpaste. I still find many of my shirt pockets that have a bit of it in them. And the entire island was on the move so to speak. The islands 100,000 +++ feral cat population instantly became invisible for days following the unexpected blast.

As for spiders ... leave the danged things alone unless you can squish their juices out from a distance. Don't go to Australia if you worry about the deadlest of everything maybe getting you. :eek:

Hank ... Very glad to hear you and the family made it throught the recent quake. :biggrin:

Has there been any news from Chris yet?
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Good to see you are on the clear area in Japan with no harm to yours.

Fred the worst thing you can get in Australia is Pen Pox a disease there is no cure for.

Take care Peter.
Hank ... Very glad to hear you and the family made it throught the recent quake. :biggrin:

Has there been any news from Chris yet?

No word from Chris just yet. Here is a post last fall that shows some glass cases of his in his store:

I would not doubt that some, if not most, of those cases are broken.

He is located on the Pacific coast. This is a link to a map of his location:

Ito is on the right side of the map.
The quake was due south of Shizuoka (on the left side) at the entrance to the bay, as best I can tell. That puts him about 40 miles from the epicenter, but on land subject to liquifaction. Roads and power lines may be down as it is not a major population area.
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