Purple Plum Calypso

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Sep 11, 2007
Laurence Harbor, NJ, USA.
This is one of the designs that I have adapted for my new line of custom pens . It is Purple Plum wood with 3 coats of thin CA as a sealer and 6 coats of Fast drying Poly .

The picture don't show the beautiful coloration of this wood , there are subtle tones of pink and red in the grain . I just wish I had more of this wood .
It uses a 7mm transmission and tubes with polished brass for the kit parts .

Shameless plug :bananen_smilies068:
I'm still running the Kitless Challenge in the Advanced pen turning forum , Please go check it out and maybe even contribute your own example of a kitless slimline .

Comments as always , are welcome
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I still haven't figured out what or how to do your kitless challenge. I'm just amazed at these beautiful pieces of work you're coming up with!

Very very nice!

BTW - I have a 1" diameter piece of that plum wood. It doesn't photograph well enough.
Thanks for the kind words everyone . This was my first attempt at a poly finish and I love it . It may take longer then CA but theres a depth that CA don't have and a softness to the feel of the pen , still feels like plastic but a nice soft plastic .
Cathy , Thanks for the website of that place with the plum wood , I really want to get more of it .
Ronald , thanks on the walnut but funds are limited and I really would like some more of this plum wood . I've gotten stuff from Victor in the past and as soon as I get a few bucks together we can see what he has .
Very nice Butch! I pray your finish holds up. I tried a half dozen poly over CA, and they looked great for a few months, then I don't know what happened to them, as they just sat in the display, but the poly went flaky and cloudy, like some is falling off and some is just having a bad rash and getting very dull, I had to pull them all and toss them in a drawer.

Oh..and if you are wondering, I did not super gloss sand the CA before spraying the poly. I figured if you sand it too shiny the poly won't stick, but seems it didn't stick anyhow.
Thanks for the heads up Jeff . I wasn't using the spray on poly , I used regular Minwax Fast Drying Poly as per Les's tutorial . I don't think the spray on stuff is the same as the can stuff , so hopefully that will make the difference .
I'm using this pen as a daily writer so we will see how well it holds up , my daily writers get a years worth of use in a couple of months .
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