Purple Heart w/Aluminum Scallops and Hackberry Burl

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Feb 24, 2012
Claremont NH
Here is my latest. I tried cutting so I only had the scallops left for the segment. I will have to cut closer next time but I like the outcome anyway. Comments and questions welcome as always.
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Those are amazing scallops. I love how you get the aluminum segments going though both scallops. I'm guessing you are saving your cut offs & then adding a strip of al when you glue it back on. But that seems really tedious. Plus I don't have a setup for doing scallops like that.

No matter how you do it, it's really cool.
Stared at this one for quite a while before I replied. Love it! It has a classic, timeless look to it. Excellent pairing of the hackberry with the purpleheart.
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Thanks for all the comments guys. I try to keep several designs in the glue up clamps at a time. I have a set in now and the next design is in my head. I am trying to cut the segmented part back so it has less of the segmented wood left and it will be just a band of scallops in the end but it is easier said than done. In the meantime I am having lots of fun with it. Everything you need to make these pens is in the tutorial that I put in this forum. I think it is on page 2 at this point but all of the techniques are there.
Did some searching, but couldn't find the tutorial Mike was referring to. Could someone help me get there? I'm within a week or two of jumping into the deep end of the pool. Just need to make some jigs. Russ
Wanted to bump this thread.
Fabulous craftsmanship, and a beautiful pen!
There is a special art to making something complex look so elegant and simple.
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