PSI Celtic in Antique Pewter and Faux-Stone Malachite

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Jun 13, 2017
Round Lake, Illinois
I like the look of the Celtic kit - with the standard green cabochon, I thought it would be nice to match with a Malachite Faux-Stone blank from Exotic Blanks.

The Faux-Stone blanks are much more affordable than Tru-Stone, and they seem to machine very similarly, and look just as impressive.

My only gripe about this kit, is that the bushing pair are identical 0.530" diameter - the clip end of the pen measures about .530", so you can rely on the bushing to get you close, but the nib end measures .508", so the bushing is not really useful. I don't know why PSI doesn't offer a nib bushing and a clip bushing of the different diameters.

Anyway, comments & critiques welcome.



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Love the combination of the blank color and the metal color.
I got into the habit of measuring the kit components and turning to those dimensions. I use bushing as a general guide but don't rely on them for final turning.
In the past I have liked several of the PSI embellished kits - Nautical, Southwestern, etc. It was hit and miss for quality, but I did like the themes. As Woodchipper noted above, measuring components vs bushings was mandatory!
GREAT pen, Kevin!!

Congratulations on measuring to determine the proper fit for your pen. You COULD turn down one bushing, or even just sand down the outside diameter to make a better fit. May want to paint the end of the smaller bushing, just so you remember the next time you go to use them!! DAMHIKT!!

Thanks for showing!
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