A few more pic's. Bill deinately took more pictures than me, but here are a few more.....
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Provo is a beautiful city, but they were having a heat wave, about 95 degrees and no snow left on the mountains.
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I stopped by Skip's home, "The Burl Source" in Sandy, UT. on the way to Provo, this is some of Skip's new pieces in progress
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He always has a great selection of burls on hand.
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The calm before the storm. Buyers awaiting the 8 am start of Super Wed Sale at CSU. I thought the crowd was half of what it was last year.
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I thought I was crazy [:0] This was a demo by Nick Agar on off center turnings, here he is blowing stain on to his piece.
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Demos went on all day at CSU, here is Bill Jackman doing his recesed clip.
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Before I left, I was able to get into the instant gallery at the symposium, here is just one of many wonderfull works of art.
That's all folks [
] Unil next year.