Proposed fundraiser for IAP - any interest?

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Feb 21, 2006
Brentwood, TN, USA.
I'd like to propose a fundraiser for IAP - I'll be taking a bowl-turning class with Ray Key this summer and I'll be making several vessels under his supervision. If the group is interested in it, I'd like to donate these vessels for auction to IAP members (or others) for the benefit of IAP.

Ray Key is a well-known turner from the UK who promises to teach us about design and improve our artistic views of the craft.

I think I'm a pretty decent bowl turner as it is and I'm pretty sure I'll make some truly beautiful objects during this workshop.

What I need in order to do this is a little participation from other members - namely someone to donate the blanks for the vessels.

See, I don't have a bandsaw - or even a chainsaw. We're supposed to bring blanks with us to the class and I don't have the wherewithal to prepare the blanks myself. Now, I could buy some blanks from Woodcraft but, dang, these things ain't cheap. And we have all these folks in our community who prepare blanks. One or more members provide me with blanks. I turn them into something beautiful. Other members purchase the finished products and IAP gets the money. Jeff keeps our site up and running for another day!

Sound like a good idea?

Here are some of my bowls/vessels (please excuse the poor photography):






This is an old one. The tear-out you see in it doesn't plague my current vessels.

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I would be happy to send you a blank. I have quite a few gathering dust. Is there anything specific you are looking for or do you want a grab bag?
It would help if you can specify IDEAL size (thickness and diameter) and if you have any particular wood (or characteristic) in mind. I know some may find that tacky but for me it is just a wish list and being for a good cause I think it is acceptable.

Who knows, I might have something that will work for you. ;)

Nice bowls by the way. [^]
Whhhooof! Just passed out in my chair for a couple of hours. ugh, bedtime for me tonight I think - pushing too hard. My neck hurts, that was really weird. heh

Julia, of course I'll help! Not sure what I have laying around here, but I can contact my wood guy about some blanks and send them off to you!

Any idea what size you'll need? :)
Heck we are about a 100 miles from you---drive up and you can have your way with my wood pile---nothing fancy just local stuff but there's always plenty of it.:)
Pick a blank from woodcraft tell me which one, I'll pay for it and have shipped to you. Anything for a good cause and to further another turners knowledge.
I'm so glad there's interest! I'll get the details on what size blanks we need - gotta find that letter! - and post it in this thread. Then I'll send emails to everyone with the address.

This is such a nice community!
I'm working on getting the dimensions.

In the meantime, here's the information about the class:
Turning Pure & Simple with Ray Key
Focus on boxes, vessels and platters. Pure and simple forms are our goal. Develop an understanding of design and a critical eye for subtle detail. Intermediate-Advanced

Ray Key has been a studio woodturner for 34 years producing one-of-a-kind gallery pieces and tableware. He is a lifetime member of the AAW and founding chairman and president of AWGB.

And here's one of his vessels
Here's what the instructor suggests:

- Wood for boxes and small vessels: 2"x2", 3"x3", 4"x4" squares, random lengths - dry/close grained hardwoods, i.e. fruit woods, dog wood exotics, etc.

- Wood for platter and dishes: dry material 3/4" to 2.5" thick, 9" to 14" in diameter

- Wood for bowls
8" to 12" diameter X 4" thick
for delicate bowls 5" to 8" diamter from 2" to 5" thick
Maple, Cherry, or Beech would be best.
any dry hardwood within reason(JT: I think that's the catch-all for whatever big ol' bowl you wanna make!)

- Wood for vessels
4"x4", 5"x5", 6"x6" squares, random lengths
fruitwood, ash, maple, sycamore - any of these are fine.
From the list above - I gather that we'll have a chance to turn pretty much whatever sized bowl or vessel we have in mind.

As for my "wish list" (thank you, Dario, for permission to make this list):

I'd like close-grained, even woods rather than complicated burls - since this is about learning form and design, I want to avoid catches in the wood that would complicate that learning. Already thoroughly dry would be good so we can auction them immeidately after they're finished - without waiting for them to dry and be re-turned, sanded and finished.

Wood with pretty grain or coloration is always appreciated.

Beech would be great - never turned any beech!
Elm too - never turned that either.
I love Maple and Holly, of course.

It looks like the instructor anticpates mostly smaller vessels for this class so that leaves us LOTS of room for wood donations.

Personally, I anticipate making several vessels that are appropriate for holding PENS!

I can't help with he blanks, but I'll sure be in when you auction or raffle them off. You have some great looking turnings posted.
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