Well in order to try and make a very complicated idea short and sweet. I need your comments on how well this photo would work for you if you where looking for feathers to make feather pens. Just so you know this is my next idea of where to go with group buys and my other volunteer stuff around here. Basically a data base of feathers and what birds to get them from. It hopefully will become something like a paint pallet for those that want to design and make feather pen blanks. Having been a fly tyer for many years, I know very well that not all feathers are created equal, and then some are nearly impossible to get. much of this knowledge comes only by working with them. but some can be gotten simply by seeing them. as for how this works for you in the way of information that is usable. there is no right or wrong, there is only each person impression. i consider this a work in progress and will continue to post other ideas of how to go about presenting feathers and continue to ask for input as to what is working and what is not. In short look att he photo and ask yourself if you get the impression of wether you could use this feather to make a pen blank and feel like you have a fair amount of certainty as to how it would look if you did. more will be coming. to give even a decent idea of the feathers you can get from a Ring Neck Pheasant alone will require at least 7 more photo at least. then there is showing the various grades of each feather. that will not happen for a while though.
On the subject of quality, I will say this. of course you do not want a feather that is beat up. But less obviously you want one with good color, good color blending, and a correct shape. some of this you will only become familiar with by looking at many many feathers and even then it is a personal what you like best sort of thing. two people may have the favorite color of pink. but one likes pail pink and the other hot pink. For now I am looking to increase this sort of information being conveyed by the photos.
For now this is the
Ring Neck Pheasant Rump Feather (The names do get much more creative) and as you might have guessed they come from the rear end of the Male Ring neck Pheasant.
On the subject of quality, I will say this. of course you do not want a feather that is beat up. But less obviously you want one with good color, good color blending, and a correct shape. some of this you will only become familiar with by looking at many many feathers and even then it is a personal what you like best sort of thing. two people may have the favorite color of pink. but one likes pail pink and the other hot pink. For now I am looking to increase this sort of information being conveyed by the photos.
For now this is the
Ring Neck Pheasant Rump Feather (The names do get much more creative) and as you might have guessed they come from the rear end of the Male Ring neck Pheasant.