Problems glueing different materials

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Dec 16, 2009
Lafayette, Indiana
I'm new at segmenting and am learning from trial and error. Well, more error it seems. I have always used 5 minute epoxy for all my gluing needs and am continuing this with my segmenting attempts. I've been on the lookout for material that I can use for segmenting. At work we wrap overhead pipes in insulation then with a pvc wrap. When I saw some of the scrap pieces of this pvc wrap being thrown out I grabbed a piece to bring home. I thought it might make a nice thin white stripe within my pens. I was trying to sandwich a layer of aluminum to a layer of white pvc sheet (same thickness as aluminum) then a layer of corian, pvc then aluminum again. I made sure that I sanded each surface with 80 grit sandpaper to roughen up each side. Glued them together, let set up for several days (due to Christmas holidays). Got back to it today and tried to add these "sandwich" pieces in a cross pattern in my wood blank. I began to notice that the aluminum was not stuck very well to the white pvc then I noticed the pvc peeling from the corian. Well it was a total fail. Would you assume it was the pvc material?
I'm assuming that this pvc material simply will not stick with the epoxy.
So I ask....what do you use for a thin white material? I've heard of using cut up gift cards but I'm not going to go buy a gift card just to use for this so what other materials do you use?


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Go to Home Depot and buy a white or colored plastic sign ( for rent, sale, or whatever it may say). PVC usually needs a cleaner applied before the glue, or a one part cleaner/glue. Try also thick CA with an accelerator. this will tell you write away if it will bond or not. Jim S
I have stacks of blank credit cards that we used to use for our door security system before we switched to RFID.

I also have a new hand saw that makes the perfect sizes kerf.

I tried it once but was rushed and didn't let the CA set properly.
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white materials

I'm new at segmenting and am learning from trial and error. Well, more error it seems. I have always used 5 minute epoxy for all my gluing needs and am continuing this with my segmenting attempts. I've been on the lookout for material that I can use for segmenting. At work we wrap overhead pipes in insulation then with a pvc wrap. When I saw some of the scrap pieces of this pvc wrap being thrown out I grabbed a piece to bring home. I thought it might make a nice thin white stripe within my pens. I was trying to sandwich a layer of aluminum to a layer of white pvc sheet (same thickness as aluminum) then a layer of corian, pvc then aluminum again. I made sure that I sanded each surface with 80 grit sandpaper to roughen up each side. Glued them together, let set up for several days (due to Christmas holidays). Got back to it today and tried to add these "sandwich" pieces in a cross pattern in my wood blank. I began to notice that the aluminum was not stuck very well to the white pvc then I noticed the pvc peeling from the corian. Well it was a total fail. Would you assume it was the pvc material?
I'm assuming that this pvc material simply will not stick with the epoxy.
So I ask....what do you use for a thin white material? I've heard of using cut up gift cards but I'm not going to go buy a gift card just to use for this so what other materials do you use?

Pool Cue Veneer, Dyed Veneer, Colored Veneer, Marquetry Veneer
Atlas Billiard Supplies - Veneer - Colored Poplar

PS these veneers will not bleed with CA or epoxies
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