Pretty Sad. . .

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Oct 4, 2005
Sadorus, IL.
That people are not as thankful as they used to be. What I mean is the 2 main topics that concerned Memorial Day. The Memorial Day Tribute thread and the Memorial Day Thank You thread combined receive only 12 responses out of 362 views. At least 350 people wanted to see what others had to sayAll the while, the Memorial Day Roll Call thread received 49 replies and 584 views. And this is because most all of the replies were from military personel, who served past and present.

It is no wonder this country is in the shape it is.

I am still honored to have served this country, but at the same time heart sick that each day, more and more Americans take for granted what they have and how they come to have it.
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I'm not sure how you can conclude that I'm not Patriotic, or thankful based on my electing not to reply to the referenced postings. You sir, are wrong, but still deserve thanks for your service.

I think you read too much into the numbers; there are lots of folks who don't post.
They still honor our vets.
Think about all the folks you don't see providing service:
I'm a civilian yet my work saves the lives of servicemen in combat.
My wife was an Area Director for the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs.
One of the projects she managed is responsible for the placement of 4 new Blue Star Markers.
Blue Star Markers honor our veterans.

Thanks again for your service.
I'm not sure how you can conclude that I'm not Patriotic, or thankful based on my electing not to reply to the referenced postings. You sir, are wrong, but still deserve thanks for your service.

Agreed. Thank you for your service to our country.

I was away for the weekend, with my family. Most of which served the same country!
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Truth in what you say, and more and more want the Government to take care of them. But you must take into account that this is not just an US forum and memorial day is a US holiday.

I was very pleased with all the posts in the Roll Call thread. There were several posts from people listing remembrances that were military.
I am a civilian contractor for the Navy and work directly for the war fighter. I am Patriotic and Thankful both. I didnt reply to the role call after viewing because I didnt serve!!!! No matter the reason I did not serve and do not deserve to be on the same page as those men and women getting the recognition for what they have done....
First, Thank you for your service to this great nation. Second, you are wrong for telling us we are un patriotic. Ask anyone here, I am mr. Patriotic and resent the fact that you would say those things. First thing I did yesterday was lower my flag to half staff while my eyes filled up with water.
I can appreciate what you are saying and to some point you are right, just not about this group of people. The IAP members are the furthest thing from un-patriotic.
Don't read too much into the numbers, Greg. Perhaps many of us were paying tribute locally, or visiting the grave sites of our friends and family lost to war.

Thank you for your service......It will never be forgotten or taken lightly by true patriots.
Somehow I missed the threads. I am sentimental about Memorial Day. I did post a thank you, that included my brother's name(again, thank you Bill Jack). I'm still in uniform(29years). Cheers for the Vets; tears for the Fallen.
Michael Edwards, MSgt
Al Udeid AB, Qatar
Don't read too much into the numbers, Greg. Perhaps many of us were paying tribute locally, or visiting the grave sites of our friends and family lost to war.

Thank you for your service......It will never be forgotten or taken lightly by true patriots.

I agree and thanks to all!
Okay, let's not make this something it isn't or was not meant to be.

I questioned no one about thier patriotism, and will not. I was simply speaking an observation in which I questioned "being thankful". Big difference as far as the original post was concerned. Granted, one cannot be thankful without being patriotic but one can be patriotic without being thankful. Again, my point was thankfulness and how little it takes to express it, and is as simple as saying or typing one word, "Thanks!!" And it is not just about Memorial Day and being thankful for what we have because of those who chose/choose to serve to keep it. It goes beyond that. It thankfulness has been pushed aside by an ideology of self; what can I get or what is owed me. Even with today's economics and job issues, I find people whose are ungrateful for the jobs they have. For the homes they live in or the cars they drive. Always wanting more and feeling they are owed it or that thier employers should be the one's that are grateful.

Nor was I questioning one's choice to serve or not serve in the Armed Forces. That is a persoanl choice and I let people live with the choices they have made. I still respct them, simply because I know that military service is not for every one. Being thankful though is something else altogether. Seems thankfulness is becoming something more related to a bygone era as today it seems, is more about self and what one preceives they are owed.
Please don't read anything into peoples' not posting their thanks to every forum they are on. We all have our own ways of showing thanks.

I am grateful, don't get me wrong. I just didn't feel the need to post it in several different threads on several different forums.
Ditto......Gregg remember what assuming gets you:biggrin:
Please don't read anything into peoples' not posting their thanks to every forum they are on. We all have our own ways of showing thanks.

I am grateful, don't get me wrong. I just didn't feel the need to post it in several different threads on several different forums.

You are something else. To accuse anyone of not being thankful and being a part of the problem is just plain arrogant. You may have been upset at people not posting a "thanks!", but you really ticked me off with you thoughtless post.

I come from a long line of military participants, back to the Civil War. How dare you judge anyone just because they did not post something on a website. Who are you to judge anyone? My maternal grandfather was wounded and received a Purple Heart serving under Patton in the battle of the Bulge. My paternal grandfather fought in the Pacific front. He was a cook on a battleship. He had one of the most dangerous jobs on the ship. During any air raid he was responsible for shutting off the gas in the Galley before manning his post.

I Have a cousin who served 8 years in Germany with active service in Afghanistan and Iraq. I have great uncles, and great grandparents who have served all over the world.

The fact that you felt the need to respond with anything but an apology shows your lack of maturity and understanding.

The only response that I will respect, is a full apology, nothing less.
I did not post on this website but I did on others. I am very patriotic and I do thank every member of the military past and present. If I see someone walking around in uniform I will personally try to thank them for thier service. Just because people did not post does not mean that they are not thankful nor patriotic
I do not see where any apologies are needed so get off your high horse. I did not attack anyone personally, I simply posted an observation and opinion.Really, how hard is it to take less than 1 minute to post one or two simple words????????? Seems more gets said in off topic posts with far less meaning or value!!!

Again, read my posts, both of them. I AM NOT QUESTIONING ANYONE'S PATRIOTISM!! Scheesh!! Seems some need to get off thier assuming patriotic soap boxes and read what is written. Please show me where I questioned anyone's patriotism instead of accusing me of something just as you claim I am doing. Everyone is running around touting something I did not mention. And I did clarify my original post with my second post yet some are still going on about my questioning thier patriotism or family military history.

All I was saying, and still am, is, is it really that hard to say 1 single simple little word?!!!!
No it is not

I do not see where any apologies are needed so get off your high horse. I did not attack anyone personally, I simply posted an observation and opinion.Really, how hard is it to take less than 1 minute to post one or two simple words????????? Seems more gets said in off topic posts with far less meaning or value!!!

Again, read my posts, both of them. I AM NOT QUESTIONING ANYONE'S PATRIOTISM!! Scheesh!! Seems some need to get off thier assuming patriotic soap boxes and read what is written. Please show me where I questioned anyone's patriotism instead of accusing me of something just as you claim I am doing. Everyone is running around touting something I did not mention. And I did clarify my original post with my second post yet some are still going on about my questioning thier patriotism or family military history.

All I was saying, and still am, is, is it really that hard to say 1 single simple little word?!!!!
No it is not hard to say thanks. But don't judge based on one small sample. I personally spent several hours at the DFW National Cemetery in their Memorial Day program. I am grateful for the service of my father who was a disabled veteran and never enjoyed a fully healthy day after returning from WWII. I am grateful for many other family members who served. I am proud to be an American. If you check my Facebook you will find an album of pictures I made yesterday at the DFW Memorial Day service. However, I refuse to be judged, or bullied, because I failed to make a post on site!
Op doesn't understand what we are saying, and we obviously dont understand what he is saying.

How about everyone agreeing to NO MORE POSTS on this thread?

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