Pre-gloat, or How I Lost My Mind

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Apr 26, 2005
San Antonio, Texas, USA.
This is a story w/in a story. Several months ago LOML and I met a young lady (16 yrs old) and decided to adopt her. The process has been a slow one... one month of pre-service training and the usual governmental delays. Last week our three daughters and 8 of our 10 grandchildren came up from Texas for their Spring Break. Friday we were able to have the young lady over for a visit (first time) so she could meet most of the family. Everything went smoothly and all the girls got along very well (and I expected nothing less). Toward the end of the visit I took Shalen (our future daughter) out to the shop to show her some of the stuff I was in to. Much to my delight she exclaimed, "Oh, I wanta learn how to do that!" So I may have a turing partner in the not so distant future.

LOML is gonna kill me! Because if Shalen likes turning, I see a new VS Jet mini in my future. Looks like I need to plan for where to put it while I'm reorganizing the shop.[:0]
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I can almost see you grinning from here! Congratulations, both on the new daughter, and the new turning partner!

Congrats on the adoption and new penturner. She's very lucky to have someone like you and your wife willing to adopt her (especially at your age [}:)][}:)][}:)][;)][:D]).
I have a special kind of respect for couple who adopt. And at your age there are additional challenges. You and your wife are up to them, I'm sure. With three others in the household you are now entering the....Walton's zone...[;)] Way to go, we need a big 'thumbs up' similie here. And, double contrats on the new turning partner. [:)][:)][:)]

You are much braver than I (of course you know that long before [;)])

Never mind the lathe fund (that's peanuts)...she is 16, I would worry more about a car and college fund [:0][}:)]
Congratulations Billy, I really admire you for what you're doing....and you ain't a half bad penturner! [:D]
.....and a special congrats to Shalen, I hope you will be happy in your new home. [:D]

Well done Mum and Dad.[;)]
Billy, you brought tears to my eyes[^] What wonderful people you and your wife are. Congratulations for your family and Shalen!
Thanks, all... but come on guys, I'm only 51. Sheesh! Okay, so I'll be 52 by the time the adoption is final, but still... [;)] She still needs to meet our two sons, but that will come soon enough. This'll give us 6 kids.

For a little more of the story, we have been empty nesters for about two years now and have been really enjoying it. And we weren't looking to adopt... anyone. However, everything just fell into place from the night we met her. It will most definitely be a challenge. Adopting a child her age comes w/a certain amount of baggage. So keep us in your prayers that we will remain up to those things that face us. She is a lovely young lady and is well mannered. Once we move her in I'll post a picture you know where.
Cheez Billy, Did you just have an extra $10,000 laying around that you thought you would like to part with in a few years to PAY FOR A WEDDING? Man it still smarts thinking about the amount of cash it took to send my princess off. Maybe you should have called me before this, I could still use the help rebuilding the savings account. Oh yeah, what savings account?
Seriously though, you and your wife are very kind spirits, congratulations!
Congratulations Billy, I really admire you and your wife for what the two of you are doing. It takes special people to adopt but it takes very special people to adpot an older child. I think that Shalen is very lucky to have found the two of you.
Fantastic, Billy! What a wonderful thing to do. When my three boys were 16 they were insufferable, didn't get better for a couple of years. Those teens can be tough!
Congratulations, and many prayers for you and your family.
And at your age there are additional challenges.

Now now, 50 aint too old for kids in the house. I'll be 48 soon and still have one in diapers! (not for much longer) Cograts and thanks for being open to sharing your home and family with one who needs what you have to give.
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