My father-in-law has suffered a bad stroke, a neighbour of his phoned me to say his window blinds were still closed from the previous evening and as it was now the afternoon found this strange and out of character.
To cut a long story short we had to force entry into his house and found him on the floor next to his bed, I don`t know how long he must have lay there as he had his bed clothes on.
He is paralysed down one side and his speach is very bad.
In one day he has went from very fit and active helping everyone with gardening, odd jobs etc to what he is like now.
I am not a very religious person, but I feel a few prayers from my freinds may help him in some way.
To cut a long story short we had to force entry into his house and found him on the floor next to his bed, I don`t know how long he must have lay there as he had his bed clothes on.
He is paralysed down one side and his speach is very bad.
In one day he has went from very fit and active helping everyone with gardening, odd jobs etc to what he is like now.
I am not a very religious person, but I feel a few prayers from my freinds may help him in some way.