Hi everyone. My wife is a moderator at a forum here on the web. Well, one of the members there is incredibly depressed. She has said something about committing suicide for the last couple of weeks. Well, she has said her goodbye's to everyone tonight. My wife thinks that she will actually try to go through with it. As it is an anonymous website, no one there, website owners and moderators included, knows who she really is. So if you are so inclined, please pray that she doesn't go through with it or that it doesn't work and that she gets the help she needs. Ask that the Lord is with her and her family. The Lord will know who she is.
No need to reply if you don't want to, unless it needs a bump.
Here I am again with a cryptic post. Sorry I can't say any more
No need to reply if you don't want to, unless it needs a bump.
Here I am again with a cryptic post. Sorry I can't say any more