Prayers needed tonight

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Nov 8, 2007
NW Fla Panhandle, USA.
Hi everyone. My wife is a moderator at a forum here on the web. Well, one of the members there is incredibly depressed. She has said something about committing suicide for the last couple of weeks. Well, she has said her goodbye's to everyone tonight. My wife thinks that she will actually try to go through with it. As it is an anonymous website, no one there, website owners and moderators included, knows who she really is. So if you are so inclined, please pray that she doesn't go through with it or that it doesn't work and that she gets the help she needs. Ask that the Lord is with her and her family. The Lord will know who she is.

No need to reply if you don't want to, unless it needs a bump.

Here I am again with a cryptic post. Sorry I can't say any more

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She is in my prayers, depression is a terrible illness which is very hard for people to understand unless they have experienced it themselves.

Hope she is found safe and well!
Originally posted by ligget

She is in my prayers, depression is a terrible illness which is very hard for people to understand unless they have experienced it themselves.

Hope she is found safe and well!

Amen brother!

I pray that she has the strength and courage to seek help.
He works in some strange ways, He really does.

He made a little girl drink too much so that she had to go to the bathroom.

This lady was all set to do it. She had the things set out on the vanity in the bathroom and was getting prepared to take her own life last night. Her little girl knocked on the door and asked if her mom was done because she had to go to the bathroom. She just sat there and realized that her kids would be the ones to find her. She decided that she would have to wait until the kids were grown and out of the house to do this. She PMed my wife today and told her this.

At least she didn't do it last night and hopefully won't at all. I found out that she has post partum (sp?) depression very badly (diagnosed). Hopefully she will overcome this soon and won't even think about it again.

Eric, no I don't know her screen name.
Dario, I know what you ment, but it's never too late.

Originally posted by ligget

She is in my prayers, depression is a terrible illness which is very hard for people to understand unless they have experienced it themselves.

Hope she is found safe and well!
Thanks. It sounds like it has touched your life somehow as well. Your right, it is pretty darn rough. My wife and I both have had problems with it at different times. After we saw what it was, it made it a little easer to deal with and get help for.

Thank you all for the prayers.
Thank you all for looking at this thread.
Most of all, thank you Lord
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