prayer request

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Aug 7, 2009
Fayetteville, NC
I haven't been on the forum much lately. I've been on with my cell phone a few times in the past week or so. But I've finally gotten to a real computer, so I'd like to post a prayer request.
We found out a few weeks ago that my Mom has cancer. It's stage 4 and they say it's melanoma. Towards the beginning of March, she wasn't feeling well and thought she was coming down with something. She kept losing her energy and strength and to make a long story short after a few tests and "mis-diagnosises", they found that it was cancer. At this point it is pretty much all over her body. They started radiation treatment yesterday on her brain and will do Chemo after that's done. They have already said they don't expect her to hang on very long, but hopefully these treatments will help.
Dad is doing ok, but just doesn't know how to handle it all. My brother and me and my family are here with them in Arkansas (I live in Virginia and my brother lives in Georgia.) I'm taking time off of work and will do whatever I need to to be here with my Dad during all of this.
I'm praying for a miracle, but at the same time, none of us want to see her in pain. Please keep my family in your prayers.
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Be srtong my friend! As we talked about in the PM's, I am here if you need anything. May not be much i can do, but whatever it is.. I am here! A phone call, someone to gripe at,,, whatever.

In the meantime, Me and mine will be praying for you and yours!
Lord Jesus, Who went about doing good and healing all, we ask You to bless Your friends who are sick. Give them the strength in body, courage in spirit, and patience in pain. Let them recover their health, so that, restored to the Christian community, they may joyfully praise Your Name, for You live and reign forever and ever. Amen.
Jeremy, My heart and prayers are with you and all your family. I pray for you all to make wise decisions. It is very hard to find that balance between hopeful and dreaded thoughts of the future. there really is no dividing line for the two. One requires logical thinking, the other Hope. May all of you simply be guided.
Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers. I'll keep you all updated. We're at the cancer institute right now for more radiation treatment.
I hope that your Mother's treatment is painless and that her course is not difficult. May all of you have time together to just spend and be together. I hope that you have hospice available to you and that you utilize it as it can be very helpful for everyone. Be kind to each other and allow love to guide you in your thoughts and actions. Bless you all.

I join all others in sending prayers for your Mom and your family in a time where strength and faith is tested to its extremes. May your family chain stayed linked and strong.
I am sorry to hear about your mother. You and your family will certainly be in our prayers. Please have faith in knowing that God will not send a test that you cannot endure with his help.
I just wanted to let you all know that Mom passed away this evening. My dad, brother, me and my wife were able to be there with her. It happened quickly and peacefully. Thanks again for all of your thoughts and prayers.
We are deeply sorry for your loss . Please take care of your Dad , he will need allot of support to get through this terrible loss . I lost my first wife to Breast cancer and the emotional strain is overwhelming . Just knowing you are there for him will make it easier to transition through this difficult time

Prayers for you and your family. God does have his reasons. Whether young or old, he takes care of all of his children. Now is when your father and mother need everyone to be close during these hard times. Your family is in our hearts and in our prayers. Do not lose faith but look for the answer.
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