Prayer Request

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Mar 14, 2009
Athens, Alabama
Hey Guys,
Please keep me and my family in your prayers. We lost my dad on thanksgiving day around 10:00 am. He had a massive heart attack and died instantly. He was at the golf course where he worked for 15 years. He had went there to check on the water in the restrooms to make sure that they were cut off. He was on his golf cart when it hit and he had just accepted the Lord as his personal savior 2 weeks ago and his wish was that he wanted to die on the golf course. So it may be a while before i can post again. As far as the PITH goes, please let the person know that i will try to get back in the shop in a couple of weeks. Thanks, and God Bless,
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Keith, I'm so sorry to hear about your father's passing, but rejoice with you in his new home! Praying for peace over your loss. Matt 5:4
My thought are with you, don't worry about the PITH we got ya covered. Take care of the family, it is what matters.

My deepest condolences to you and your family on the loss of your father. Hope that you and your family are comforted by each other and the love that you all share.
Keith, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. You and your family are all in my prayers as you walk through this time.
You and our family are in our thoughts and prayers.
My family lost our mother over Thanksgiving 3 years ago. On that Friday we took her into the ER to get checked out, and there she had a massive stroke. There is something about not saying good bye that always bothers me. The last thing that I said to my mother before I kissed her and left her hospital room that night as they prepared to release her, was, I will see you when you get home.
I guess now, we live our lives so that we will see them, when we get home.
I am sorry for your loss Keith.

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